God Made The World Bible Craft

Note: This craft is also available as a downloadable PDF.

Bible Story: God Made The World

Bible Text: Genesis 1:1-8

Suggested Learning Outcome: This hands-on project will illustrate to children how the God of the Bible is, and has been, in control since He created our world.

Supplies List:

  • Coffee filters (one for each child)
  • Green and blue washable markers
  • Spray bottle with water
  • Brown or tan construction paper
  • Glue
  • Black construction paper

Teacher Preparation: Trace your hands on tan or brown construction paper and have one set per child cut out prior to class to save time (see image). Older students may want to trace and cut out their own set of hands.


Step 1. Give students a coffee filter and point out how the coffee filter is blank and empty, just as the universe was empty before God created anything.

Image One




Step 2. Provide blue and green washable markers and instruct students to color in water and land on the coffee filter. NOTE: Do not color heavily. The entire filter does not need to be covered in color (see image). Emphasize to the kids that when God spoke the land and water appeared.

Image Two





Step 3. Have the children hold up their coffee filters and lightly spray the filter with water. You do not need to saturate the filter with water. As the water sets the colors will shift and spread around the filter. The land and water the kids have drawn will mysteriously begin to grow larger (see image). Emphasize to students that only the God of the Bible could have performed the miracle of creation.

Image Three





Step 4. When the filters have dried a bit, give each student a set of hands and have them glue the hands to the back of the coffee filter globe so that the hands show under the globe as if holding it. Glue the craft to a sheet of black construction paper (see image).

Image Four




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