Wind and Flame (Readers Theater for Children)

Readers Theater is a fun and easy way to introduce drama into your children’s Bible teaching classrooms. Readers Theater is a combination of reading and performance with no sets or props. No one has to memorize lines and you don’t have to dig through the costume closet. All you need is a script and kids willing to read.

Other Benefits

Another beauty of Readers Theater is that all kids can participate. You could assign only one line to the shy student or the one who has difficulty reading. The stronger readers can take on the main roles, while the “hammy” kids can perform sound effects.

Finally, Readers Theater allows you to write your own simple scripts. Take a kid-favorite Bible story like David and Goliath or Peter walking on water and try your hand at creating a Readers Theater play.

Here is an original script for Pentecost. Before children read and perform, you may want to teach a lesson based on Babel: Undone at Pentecost from the Sunday School Zone Blog. In addition to the lesson and reading, you could incorporate an activity such as the Jesus Began the Church Bible Craft.

This particular reading calls for fourteen readers, but smaller classes can easily double up on parts.

Wind and Fire

(A Readers Theater Script About the Day of Pentecost)

READER ONE: On the night before He died, Jesus ate a special meal with His disciples. It was called Passover. During this meal, He said, “I am going away soon, but don’t be afraid. The Father is going to send a Friend in my place. He is the Spirit of truth. He will guide you.”

READER TWO:  After Jesus was raised from the dead, He gathered His disciples together and said, “Stay in Jerusalem. Heavenly power will soon come on you. John baptized with water, but God will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” Then Jesus rose up into heaven.

READER THREE: Soon after that, the promise that Jesus made came true!

READER FOUR: Jews from many nations had come to Jerusalem. They were celebrating an important holiday called Pentecost.

READER FIVE: The followers of Jesus were gathered in an upstairs room. They were praying when suddenly, a sound like a mighty wind came rushing in. It filled the entire room!

READER SIX: What’s happening?

READER SEVEN: The room is shaking!

READER EIGHT: Look — above our heads!


READER TEN: It’s separating into tongues of flame! Resting above our heads!

READER ELEVEN: Suddenly, the followers of Jesus began to speak in other languages.

READER TWELVE: The people on the street thought that the disciples had drunk too much wine. But Peter said, “No! This is what the prophet Joel described long ago. The Holy Spirit has come upon us.”

READER THIRTEEN: Peter gave a powerful sermon. The people were moved. They cried out for salvation.

READER FOURTEEN:  Three thousand people were saved that day! This was the beginning of God’s Church.

Mark Winter, Evangelist & Author

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