Do Not Steal Scripture Page

This printable scripture poster will help children learn that it’s good to own things and that it’s wrong to take what doesn’t belong to us. This is just one of many activities we have on Sunday School Zone related to the Ten Commandments. You can find a summary of 10 Commandments for Kids activities and resources here.

Description: Do Not Steal Scripture Poster

Bible Text: Exodus 20:15a

Bible Lesson: The eighth commandment is about the sanctity of private property. The principle of private ownership is foundational to civilization and healthy communities. Private ownership fosters personal responsibility and encourages investment in the lives and endeavors of other people. No one has the right to simply take from you something that is yours. This printable Do Not Steal Scripture Page displays this important commandment and will remind children that we are to respect the property of other people.

You can also see a list of the types of free, printable Bible activities we provide on the site.

For other related activities, see the links below.

Recent Activities