God Called Moses Bible Craft

Note: This craft is also available as a downloadable PDF.

Bible Story: God Called Moses

Bible Text: Exodus 3:1-17; 4:1-5, 18-20

Suggested Learning Outcome: This fun tissue paper roller craft will help children remember that Moses was a special man who was called by God, and we are also called by God.

Supplies List:

  • Bathroom tissue paper roller (1 per student)
  • Green construction paper
  • Cotton balls (2 per student)
  • Small twig (1 per student)
  • Markers
  • Glue/tape

Teacher Preparation:

Image OneCollect small twigs approximately 1 inch longer than the bathroom tissue roller.

Pre-cut rounded triangular shapes from green construction paper approximately 3 ½ inches long by 6 inches wide (see image). This will wrap around the roller to form Moses’ coat. You will need 1 per student.




Step 1. Give each student a roller and green “coat.” Guide students in wrapping the coat around the roller and securing it either by gluing or taping it into place (see image).

Image Two







Step 2. Guide children in pulling apart cotton balls to create hair and a beard for Moses. Glue half of cotton to the top of roller and half in the middle. Instruct children to draw Moses a face (see image).

Image Three






Step 3. Give each student a twig and instruct them to glue the twig to Moses’ side (see image). This represents his staff which was a useful tool God gave Moses when he called him. Remind children that we were given a useful tool to help us follow God as well. It is the Bible.

Image Four







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