God Helped Ruth and Naomi Bible Craft
This craft will help remind students of the blessings God gave to Ruth and Naomi. Ruth would become an ancestor to Jesus Christ, but she never knew it. Life is often difficult, but God has a plan for us that often goes far beyond what we can see.
Note: This free craft is also available as a downloadable PDF.
Bible Story: God Helped Ruth and Naomi
Bible Text: Ruth 1—4
Supplies List:
- Paper plate ( 1 per student)
- Glue
- Yellow
- Construction paper
- Crayons
- Scissors
Teacher Preparation: Pre-cut grain shapes for younger students who may not be able to do it themselves.
Step 1. Give children a paper plate and guide them in cutting the plate in half. Instruct kids to draw a basket pattern with black crayon on the outside of one half of the plate and to color the basket with brown crayon. Give children the grain shapes (several per student) and instruct students to design and color the shapes like a piece of grain.
Step 2. Staple the two plate halves together to create a basket. Now students can glue their pieces of grain into the basket.
You can also see a list of the types of free, printable Bible activities we provide on the site.
For other related activities, see the links below.
- Related Activity Links:
- Divine Protection, Faithfulness ,
- Ruth ,
- Grade School (Readers), Preschool (Non-readers) ,
- Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz