God Was With Joseph in Egypt Large Jigsaw Puzzle

Even though Joseph had been sold into slavery by his brothers and unfairly imprisoned in Egypt, God blessed him in everything he did. Even while in prison in Egypt, God allowed Joseph to become a trusted leader. It would lead to his becoming a powerful leader in Egypt and the world. The story of Joseph’s life is a powerful example of how God is in control of our circumstances, even when things seem tough. In Genesis 40, Joseph begins to see how God will use his life even while he is a prisoner in Egypt. This God Was with Joseph in Egypt Large Jigsaw Puzzle is about Joseph’s faithfulness to the Lord in a foreign land and will help children remember that God is in control of their lives, even during the tough times. This free jigsaw puzzle can be used in a Sunday School, classroom or homeschool setting.

Note: Large (11X17 inch) activities are especially useful when printed on card stock. These can be easily stored for future use. If you take these to a print shop, they may ask for a letter of permission that you can find here.

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