Honor Your Father and Mother Scripture Page
This Scripture poster can serve as a simple reminder to children that we are to honor our parents. We have a Scripture page (poster) for each of the Ten Commandments. We also have a good number of other activities and resources related to the 10 Commandments on the site. You can find a summary of these 10 Commandments for Kids activities here.
Description: Honor Your Father and Mother Scripture Poster
Bible Text: Exodus 20:12a
Bible Lesson: The fifth commandment addresses the sanctity of the family. The integrity and sanctity of the family has been central to biblical teaching since God created Adam and Eve. The family is critical and foundational to our communities and the future of society as a whole. Essential to the health of the family is respect for parents. This places a burden on children to submit to the authority of their parents, but also places a responsibility on parents to live honorably before their children. This printable Honor Your Father and Mother Scripture Page will emphasize to kids the need to respect and honor their parents.
You can also see a list of the types of free, printable Bible activities we provide on the site.
For other related activities, see the links below.