Judges and Ruth Unit Overview Page

Every lesson in God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers fits into a unit that contains either four or five free lessons. A listing of all of the units can be found on the site along with access to all of the lessons. This page (below) and the downloadable and printable PDF is an overview of the Judges and Ruth Unit (OT08).

You can click to access the printable PDF of the Unit Overview Page.


Unit Overview

This unit highlights events in the period of Israel’s history spanning from the end of the Israelites’ initial conquest of Canaan to the leadership of Samuel and the monarchy that would be established with Saul and, even more importantly, David. God’s story continued to unfold as His people settled in Canaan. In the Book of Judges we see that as Israel obeyed Him, He blessed His people; then, taking His blessings for granted, they strayed, prompting divine discipline and calls to repentance. In the Book of Ruth we see God bestowing His immediate blessing on His followers (a foreigner among them), as well as His setting the world stage for all people to be blessed through Christ, since Boaz and Ruth would become Jesus’ ancestors.

Kingdom Perspective

God’s Kingdom isn’t yet an earthly kingdom, but God began to reveal the truth about Himself and His Kingdom through a people and a nation He established and blessed. As the Israelites settled in the land God helped them to conquer, He continued to reveal Himself. This involved exercising both blessing and discipline, all for His people’s benefit. During this time, the Lord also was orchestrating events relating to the future arrival of His Son, Jesus, who would become His ultimate avenue of revelation about both Himself and His Kingdom.

Other Resources

View a description of the specific lessons in this unit.

See a list of the types of free, printable Bible activities we provide on Sunday School Zone.

For other related activities, see the links below.

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