Spot the Differences in Jesus Fed the People
At one point in His ministry (John 6:1-15), Jesus was followed by a large crowd because of His miracles of healing the sick. The crowd needed to be feed, but they had only five barley loaves and two fish that belonged to a boy. Jesus gave thanks for the food and then had the disciples distribute it. There was more than enough to feed the large crowd that had more than 5,000 men! The people became convinced that Jesus was the Messiah and wanted to make Him king, but they didn’t understand what the Messiah was to do, so Jesus had to withdraw from them. This Spot the Differences in Jesus Fed the People activity will help children better understand the story and recognize that Jesus did not come to be a typical earthly king. This activity can be used in a Sunday School, classroom or homeschool setting.
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For other related activities, see the links below.
- Related Activity Links:
- Divine Power ,
- Andrew, Disciples, Jesus, Philip ,
- Grade School (Readers), Preschool (Non-readers) ,
- Jesus Fed 5,000