Early in His ministry, as Jesus was walking on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers who were professional fishermen—Andrew and Peter. Jesus promised them that if they would follow Him, He would teach them how to “fish for people.” Right away, the two men walked away from their fishing nets to follow the Lord (see Matt. 4:18-20).
Andrew previously had even been able to spend some extended time with Jesus. After this meeting, he located Peter and told him that he’d found God’s Messiah. Giving Christians an example to follow for centuries to come, Andrew “brought Simon to Jesus.” Addressing Peter about the meaning of his name, Jesus spoke prophetically about his future (see John 1:35-42).
Peter and Andrew were fromBethsaida(see John 1:44), a town just east ofCapernaumon the northern shore of theSea of Galilee. Apparently, their home was also the home of Peter’s mother-in-law (see Mark 1:29-31). Andrew is named explicitly in several other places in Scripture, including Mark 13:3; John 6:8; 12:20-23; and Acts 1:12-13. Tradition states Andrew died as a martyr. He is believed to have been crucified on a cross shaped like an X; such a cross is now known as a St. Andrew’s cross.