A Miraculous Catch of Fish Bible Activities

In Luke 5:1-11, Peter, a fisherman, had worked all night, but to no avail. He made one more attempt when Jesus told him to do so. A miracle occurred! He and his coworkers caught more fish than their nets or boats could hold! Overcome, Peter knew Jesus was special and fell to his knees before Him. The activities below will help children better understand this event in Peter's lifeā€”and the fact that Jesus is indeed special.

Children's Spot the Differences Bible Activity - A Big Catch of Fish

A Big Catch of Fish Spot the Differences

This spot the difference activity will challenge older children to locate 14 differences in the two teaching pictures illustrating the story of the miraculous catch of fish found in Luke 5:1-11.

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The Disciples Go Fishing Match Game

A fun matching game from Luke 5:1-11 when Jesus caused a big catch of fish.

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A Miraculous Catch of Fish Jigsaw Puzzle

A simple puzzle about the time Jesus caused a miraculous catch of fish from Luke 5:1-11.

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