Peter Healed Tabitha (Dorcas)

Tabitha (Dorcas) was a beloved disciple living in Joppa. She did many good things for people there, but she became very ill and died. Peter was summoned to her and healed her. As a result, many of the people in that area trusted in the Lord. Tabitha's life and Peter's actions demonstrate the power of love that was present in the early church. They're good examples for us as well and will remind kids of the need to be caring and loving for all people.

The People In The Church Loved One Another Word Search

This wordsearch puzzle is a great Bible activity! Let your kids find all ten of these words, each one of which relates to the story of Tabitha’s being restored to life in Acts 9:36-43.

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People In The Church Loved One Another Match Game

The story of Tabitha in Acts 9:36-43 emphasizes the importance of God’s people to show love to one another. This match game will help your kids become familiar with the story—and the lessons in love that it has for believers today.

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