Peter Meets Jesus

Peter, the simple, self-sufficient fisherman didn't know just how much his life was about to change when he encountered Jesus on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Like many of us, Peter chose to follow Jesus, but would spend the rest of his life growing in maturity and his love for the Savior. These activities focus on this event and will encourage children to worship and follow Jesus like Peter did.

Children's Spot the Differences Bible Activity - A Big Catch of Fish

A Big Catch of Fish Spot the Differences

This spot the difference activity will challenge older children to locate 14 differences in the two teaching pictures illustrating the story of the miraculous catch of fish found in Luke 5:1-11.

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The Disciples Go Fishing Match Game

A fun matching game from Luke 5:1-11 when Jesus caused a big catch of fish.

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A Miraculous Catch of Fish Jigsaw Puzzle

A simple puzzle about the time Jesus caused a miraculous catch of fish from Luke 5:1-11.

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