Articles by B. Nathaniel (Bev) Sullivan

B. Nathaniel (Bev) Sullivan watches cultural trends with keen interest and writes about them from a biblical perspective at Bev also is a freelance writer. You’ll enjoy his articles and the cultural commentary you can find on his web site. The articles below have been written by Bev.

What Does “Awe” Mean In The Bible?

Peter and John were on their way to the temple to pray. As they went, they met a man who had been lame from birth by the gate called Beautiful. They spoke briefly, and Peter healed him instantly in Jesus’ name. The man, of course, began to walk and to praise God publicly. Luke recorded…

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Flood of Noah: Global or Local?

Was the flood of Noah a worldwide (global) flood, or could it have been merely a local flood? This is a common question in our day. Some geologists, as well as some Bible students, contend for a local rather than a widespread, worldwide event. In part, they reason that so soon after creation, the populations…

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