Articles by Daniel Sherwin
Daniel Sherwin on The Sunday School Zone Blog
Daniel Sherwin is a contributor on Sunday School Zone as well as a single dad raising two children. At, he aims to provide other single dads with information and resources to help them better equip themselves to succeed on the journey that is parenthood. You can also see a list of all articles Daniel…
Read More ⇨Set a Good Work/Life Example
Kids tend to model their behavior on what they observe their parents doing, which is why it’s so important to set the best example you can early in their lives. Admittedly, that can be a hard thing to do. There are times that parents do things they wouldn’t want their children to do. One of…
Read More ⇨Kids in the Kitchen: Tips for Staying Safe
Cooking is an important practical skill that can save money and help kids eat healthier and create a deeper connection with their families. Indeed, cooking can be a labor of love. And whether your children want to treat you to breakfast in bed on your birthday, prepare a kid-cooked Mother’s or Father’s Day brunch, or…
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