The Sunday School Zone Blog

The Sunday School Zone Blog contains insights on children’s spiritual formation as well as tips, ideas, and suggestions to help Christian parents and leaders as they work with kids of all abilities (and even adults with special needs) at home, church, and school. If you would like to contribute to the blog, please visit our Writer Inquiries page and then send us an explanatory email at [email protected] describing the kind of writing you’d like to do. We welcome those who have something of substance to say to Christian parents and teachers of children. You already know that Sunday School Zone offers tons of free, printable Bible activities for kids. If you think you’d like to contribute, please read more…

The Phrase “You and Your Household” In The Bible

During the earthquake that shook the foundation of the jail in Philippi, the jail doors were opened and the chains that bound the prisoners came loose. When the jailer woke up and saw the open doors, he knew he would be held responsible for missing prisoners, so he took hold of his sword and was…

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What Is A Witness In The Bible?

Jesus interacted with His disciples in numerous post-resurrection appearances. In one of them, He told them, “These are My words that I spoke to you while I was still with you—that everything written about Me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” He also said to them, “This is…

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Paul the Apostle Activities

Timothy In The Bible

Timothy, whose name means “honoring God,” was one of the apostle Paul’s close friends and coworkers. Timothy was from Lystra, a city in the Roman province of Lycaonia and in the central and southern part of Asia. It is possible that Timothy was converted to Christianity during Paul’s first missionary journey, for Paul and Barnabas…

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Evening and Morning

The phrase “evening came and then morning” appears six times in Genesis 1. Typically when we see this kind of repetition, we should take note; something important is happening. Much can be said about the significance of the days as recorded in Genesis 1. Written for the sake of the early Israelites wandering in the…

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Dwelling Places (John 14:2)

“Your heart must not be troubled,” Jesus told His disciples in John 14:1. “Believe in God; believe also in Me.” Then in verse 2 He said, “In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if not, I would have told you. I am going away to prepare a place for you.” The word translated dwelling…

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What Does “Awe” Mean In The Bible?

Peter and John were on their way to the temple to pray. As they went, they met a man who had been lame from birth by the gate called Beautiful. They spoke briefly, and Peter healed him instantly in Jesus’ name. The man, of course, began to walk and to praise God publicly. Luke recorded…

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Flood of Noah: Global or Local?

Was the flood of Noah a worldwide (global) flood, or could it have been merely a local flood? This is a common question in our day. Some geologists, as well as some Bible students, contend for a local rather than a widespread, worldwide event. In part, they reason that so soon after creation, the populations…

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