Articles by Rick Edwards

The articles listed below have been written by Rick Edwards. Rick is a publishing veteran with more than 40 years of experience in ministry, curriculum development, and magazine publishing. He is currently involved as a speaker, author, and Bible teacher while managing a Christian publishing business. He is the owner and publisher of

Principles of Interpreting the Bible (Part One)

Volumes have been written on the topic of biblical interpretation. My goal here isn’t to contribute anything new to the topic within the academic world, but to provide some broad (and brief) principles for those who aren’t lifelong “biblical scholars.” Even though you’re not a “Bible scholar,” you’re probably teaching the Bible at some level…

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Fostering Generosity in Our Kids

As Christian parents and teachers, we take seriously the responsibility of fostering generosity in our kids. We understand, rather intuitively, that generosity reflects the very character of God, so when our children learn generosity, they are learning to mirror the person and character of our generous God and King. The task of teaching generosity to…

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The Beatitudes

The Beatitudes, recorded in Matthew 5:1-12, are one of those beloved passages that Christians have read and studied over the centuries. As part of the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5–7), it contains some wonderful truths that God’s people, young and old, should understand. But the text can also be challenging. If we’re not careful…

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Celebrating the New Year as Parents and Teachers

The New Year is often overlooked as a time of celebration for Christians. Not that we don’t celebrate. We all enjoy the possibilities and potential held by the arrival of a new year, not to mention the fireworks and noisemakers that often accompany the last minute countdown. But the arrival of the New Year should…

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Learning Goals for Your Kids in the New Year

It’s natural to think about personal goals and resolutions for ourselves as we move toward a new year. But what about our children? What would we like to see happen in their lives in the coming year? What would YOU like to see happen in the lives of YOUR children? We’d like to suggest that…

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Christians and the New Year

What are Christians to do with the New Year? It falls on the heels of Christmas so it becomes an unavoidable part of the Christmas holiday season. For the world, however, the arrival of the New Year is little more than a time for partying and hopeful resolutions. What about Christians and the New Year?…

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Why Believe In the Virgin Birth and Conception of Jesus?

The New Testament is clear about the reality of Jesus’ virgin birth or, more accurately, His virgin conception. It’s really impossible to explain away what the New Testament unequivocally affirms about Christ’s miraculous conception. And while the modern church is often vigilant in defending the fact of the virgin birth and conception of Jesus, it…

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Paul the Apostle Activities

Why Do We Sometimes Use Yahweh to Refer to God?

Yahweh is how the Hebrew name for God, as given in Exodus 3:14-15, typically is spelled. The name means “I AM” or “I AM WHO I AM” or “I AM THAT I AM.” When God spoke to Moses from the burning bush, God specifically said, “This is My name forever; this is how I am…

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The Value of Knowing Bible History

The Bible is not a theology book, although it clearly speaks to theological issues. Neither is it a book of fiction, even though it contains some of the most fascinating stories ever written. The Bible is a collection of books, sermons, poems, letters, and other types of literature that all contribute to a grand, divine…

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