Articles by Trish Weeks

During my three decades in education, children’s ministry, and leadership, I was always in the middle of the action. It is where I embraced “Relational Leadership”, what I’m calling my leadership style. Using empathy, understanding, and practical advice from my own personal and professional growth experiences, I love championing others in their teaching and leadership journey.

As a previously reluctant writer, I have “found my voice” in writing articles about what I love – Jesus, family, and others. Once I discovered that writing from personal experience is just one more area of Relational Leadership, I began to enjoy sharing my stories in hopes they would encourage and inspire others. You’ll find the main topics of my articles to be creative ideas to teach kids, leadership training and development, and devotionals from personal reflections.

Trish Weeks
Kids Ministry Zone

Teaching Kids to PRAY

Teaching Kids to PRAY

Acronyms are an easy way for kids to remember things. There are many examples of teaching kids to pray using the acronym PRAY. Here is my version that I’ve used many times. P – Teach them to Praise Teaching kids who God is and that only He is worthy of our praise is fundamental for…

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Make it Memorable

In a previous article, Manageable Morsels, I provided examples of breaking down children’s Bible lessons into bite-sized pieces for kids to understand Biblical truths so they are spiritually healthy. Another important tidbit to remember in teaching kids is to make it engaging and relevant to them. If kids love anything more than knowing something, it…

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Manageable Morsels

Manageable Morsels

You’ve probably heard the joke about the kid who prayed, “Our Father who art in Heaven, Howard be Your Name…” We laugh at this, and so many other kidmin jokes, because they are true. I know you can relate. I’m sure you could share many of your own! Let’s be honest. Kids misunderstand a lot.…

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What’s In Your Wardrobe?

What’s In Your Wardrobe?

I cleaned out my closet this week. This isn’t something I practice on a regular basis and haven’t been inspired or persuaded to do it. I put it on a to-do list and procrastinated. Since it’s July, we’ll call it impeded spring cleaning. Sounds slightly better than being lazy and unmotivated. As I was sorting…

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