Doing “All Things Through Christ” In the New Year

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Phil. 4:13).

As is often the case, if any kind of sickness hits our church, my “little” class might easily turn into my “little little” class. So, this past Sunday after the flu had arrived during Christmas week, I wasn’t surprised to find only one student for my New Year’s Lesson.

I was not discouraged, though, because I have learned that some of these “little little” class lessons are often the sweetest. After discussing the meaning of New Year and what a special time it is each year for new beginnings, I went on to explain the idea of New Year’s resolutions.

The Possibilities of A New Year

I must admit I am a sucker for New Year’s resolutions. I know many of them never make it much further than Valentine’s Day, but I love the sense of possibility and the fresh start that the new year offers. So, I was excited to help my student with this little project and create a cute New Year’s Resolutions poster he could use to remind him of his ideas through out the year.

He caught on very quickly to the idea of setting goals for yourself. We worked on memorizing Philippians 4:13, discussing how God loves to help us with the hard stuff (just as Paul was telling the Philippian church), and just like you feel strong when you pick up a big box, God can make us strong for tackling hard or new stuff in our lives as well.

“So, I will jot down your resolutions, and then we will create your poster.” He nodded enthusiastically.

“What resolutions would you like for the new year?”

He thought for a while, and I started to wonder if at 5 years old, he really understood what we were doing here.

“Is it okay if I have a bunch?” he asked.

“Oh, yes. That’s even better.”

“Ok, then, I want to run faster…. jump higher… swim better… learn to count to 2,000….do lot’s of science experiments, and…..try to learn to fly.”

I jotted down his answers, and by the time I got to the end of his list, I couldn’t help but smile. They were such sincere, little boy desires.

“Try To Learn To Fly”

They were simple, yet far reaching at the same time. I thought of all that I was hoping for in this new year myself. Some are simple things that I just want to get better at, and some are big things that almost seem like, “trying to learn to fly.”

What makes the new year such a special time is a universal desire of doing better, reaching farther, going deeper. We all feel it, whether we make resolutions or not. You may write it down on paper, hide it in your heart or create a big glittery, star spangled poster like my student did to keep it in the front of your mind all year. Regardless of how you embrace your New Year’s hope, let’s keep Philippians 4:13 ever ready when doubt comes creeping in along the way.

We CAN, we really, really CAN endure “all things through Christ which strengthens us.” Through His strength, we can accomplish all He calls us to do!

Sunday School Zone would like to wish you a very Happy New Year. May Christ strengthen you in all you set out to accomplish in your churches, your homes, your classes and deep within your own heart!

Sarah Reeves

You can see all of the articles by Sarah on Sunday School Zone.

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