God’s Unfolding StoryBOOKS – Old and New Testaments

Trish Weeks

Hey Trish, I hope you can help. I’m looking for Bible lessons. I don’t need a full Children’s Church curriculum with video and worship elements, but I would like something that has an easy format, lots of activities, could last for a whole year (or two!) and takes us through the Bible, Old and New Testaments. It would be even better if it were inexpensive as we’re a small church and don’t have a big budget. Suggestions?


Hey KidMin Leader, I’m so glad you asked! I have a great suggestion! You should check out God’s Unfolding StoryBOOKS for Kids. Use these links for more information on our website for the Old Testament Edition and the New Testament Edition. Each version has 52 stories that take you in historical order through each of the Old and New Testaments. 

They are written in an easy-to-read, conversational style with an overview/summary of the story as well as discussion questions and some suggested activities you could use in class or send for a take-home. There is also a QR code on each story that provides online access to Sunday School Zone with additional free, printable activities, puzzles, crafts, games, and more relating to that particular story.

For a church that needs a video element, worship, etc. for a full “Children’s Church Service” on a Sunday morning these may not fit the bill, but for a smaller church on a budget, or for small groups, or a Wednesday night type Bible study program I think these are excellent! They would also be great for homeschool, private school Bible study, and of course as their original intent – families for use at home for discipleship.

I’ll attach some screenshots of the covers and also an inside peek so you can see all they offer. And here is a link to the Old Testament Edition and the New Testament Edition available on Amazon. 

I really think these are incredible. I hope you find them useful to you and your ministry. Please feel free to reach out with any questions you have and I’d love to hear your experience if you do choose to use them for your Bible class!

For His Kingdom,
Trish Weeks

P.S. While you’re at it, make sure to check out our landing page for Kids Ministry Zone. It has links to Sunday School Zone and soon-to-be-launched Bible Activity Zone. You can also contact me for mentoring, coaching, and consulting. I’d be happy to help you develop your ministry and leadership skills. Let me know how I can best support you!

God's Unfolding StoryBOOK for Kids God's Unfolding StoryBOOK for Kids - New Testament Edition  

Trish Weeks

Teacher, Leader, Pastor

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