How Can You Help Sunday School Zone Keep Growing?

Sunday School Zone - Children's Bible Activities | Sunday School Activities for KidsWe are pleased that Sunday School Zone is able to serve a large and growing number of people who want to teach children the Bible. In January of 2020, we had more than 100,000 visits to the site. Thank you for being among those who make Sunday School Zone possible!

Sunday School Zone is able to provide free resources because we sell advertising on the site. That means the more people who come to the site, the better! How can you help Sunday School Zone keep growing and providing free activities?

How Can You Help Sunday School Zone Keep Growing?

– Share a link on your site or social media. Search engines (like Google) determine our credibility by the number of other sites that link to us. If you can do that, it will REALLY help us!

– Follow us on Facebook and Pinterest. This is a good way to help other people find us.

Sign up for our free, weekly newsletter if you’re not already getting it. Sometimes we put advertising in our newsletter. The more recipients we have, the more we can charge.

– Visit us often. We try to provide valuable content for you and we try to add new content at least weekly. Drop by when you can and Google will notice!

And, in case you’re curious, we’ve been at this for several years. We have invested a good deal of money in the content on the site. Even with 100,000 visits, we’re just now reaching the point where the site makes as much money as we’re spending on it in a month. It will be years before we can recoup our investment, but that’s okay. That was always our plan.

We don’t ask for contributions and we don’t sell our content. We believe this is something God wants us to do. As the site grows, we will be able to add more and more content. Thank you for supporting Sunday School Zone!

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