Identity and the God of the Bible

It is clear from Genesis 1 that people are created in the image of God. More specifically, people are made in the image of the God of the Bible who’s name we later learn is Yahweh. This God is not one of many gods. He is the Creator of the universe and all people in it. This is pure creational monotheism; the belief in a single, sovereign God Who created all things. It is clear from the very beginning, then, that a person’s most fundamental identity is already established by the God who created and rules all things. We are each human, created in the image of a sovereign God. Is it our nature to be human.

God’s Name Is Yahweh

As noted above, the God of the Bible has a name; Yahweh. This God is neither anonymous nor impersonal. He has a unique identity and name that He has revealed to us. He is distinct and can be known as a distinct person. His personal identity provides a logical foundation for understanding an important aspect of our individual identities; like God, we are distinct and personal beings.

Complex and Diverse

But the Bible also reveals that this God is trinitarian in nature. Three in One. There is both unity and diversity in the God of the Bible. This complex reality helps explain the complexities of our own identities. We are human, but we possess diversity within ourselves AND within our communities. From the biblical perspective, this diversity does not diminish our value, but enhances it. Just as the diverse role of each member of the trinity is valuable, so our diversity as human beings also brings value to each person. We each have value because of our differences.

Much more could be said here. The point, however, is that biblical identity can’t be defined apart from the God of the Bible whose very nature actually shapes human nature and human identity.

This article is one of a series related to identity.

Find Helping People Develop a Biblical Identity here.

Find We Are More Than We Think here.

Find Identity Runs Deep here.

Find Shaping Identity in the Local Church here.

Find Identity, Relationships, and Distinction here.

Find Identity and the Self here.

Rick Edwards
Author, Speaker, Bible Teacher

See a list of other articles by Rick Edwards.

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