Jesus’ Resurrection: Rabbouni (John 20:16)

Concepts100Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early Sunday morning only to discover that it was empty. She ran to tell Peter and John, who investigated and verified the startling discovery for themselves. Peter and John returned home, but Mary stood outside the tomb. As she looked at it, she wept. Then she looked in and saw two angels who asked her why she was crying. Mary explained that someone had taken the Lord’s body—or at least that was what she thought. Then she turned around. Jesus was standing before her, but she didn’t recognize Him. In fact, she believed Him to be the gardener (see John 20:1-15). He asked her whom she sought, and Mary replied, “Sir, if you’ve removed Him, tell me where you’ve put Him, and I will take Him away” (v. 15). Then Jesus called her by name: “Mary.” Immediately Mary recognized Jesus and addressed Him using the title “Rabbouni.” It means “Teacher,” John explained (v. 16).

This title, which originally conveyed a personal idea (as in “my teacher” or “my master”), eventually came to carry a meaning similar or identical to the meaning of the term Rabbi (as in John 1:38,49; 6:25). Still, Rabbouni was used less often than Rabbi. In fact, Rabbouni appears in only one other place in the New Testament. In Mark 10:51-52, a blind man used it in reverently addressing Jesus as he asked Him to make it possible for him to see—and Jesus restored the man’s sight.

Only a very few rabbis were given the title Rabbouni—Gamaliel I and Gamaliel II among them. The term also was used frequently in referring to God—so it was a very appropriate title for Mary to use in addressing Jesus following His resurrection. It is clear that she used it spontaneously and from the depths of her heart.



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