Kid’s Ministry Top 6 Back To School Ideas
How does your Kid’s Ministry respond to families at this time of year as kids go back to school? This time of year provides a great annual opportunity for ministry to kids and their families. Just as churches recognize Easter and Christmas as a time to reach unchurched families and their children, the back to school season is another of those times when people are making significant changes in their lives and schedules. Transition can often open doors of opportunity for churches. Here are six back to school ideas where churches have found some success in reaching and ministering to families during the back to school season.
Make It An Event
Back to school time impacts most everyone, even if the family may not have children in school. Many churches have found this to be a natural time to begin new Bible study classes, small groups and/or Sunday School classes. This can be promoted as a major launch for the year.
Make It Known
Having an event without telling people diminishes the value of the event. Whatever format your launch event takes, make sure that your congregation, and community know the time, place and what to expect. Use social media outlets as well as conventional ways of getting the details out.
End Of Summer Event
Many kid’s ministries have found that a fun, end of summer party helps with pulling everyone back in after summer trips and odd schedules. There is no shortage of ideas for this kind of party. Plan for fun and encourage kids to bring friends. Make sure to send home invitations to regular weekly Bible studies for the whole family, as well as a list of future big events. This would be a great time to offer a brief, kids level, Bible story that relates to the theme of the event.
Time Of Enlistment And Training
It is a natural “reset/restart/retrain time at church as school begins. Make much of getting ready to put your best “church foot forward” by enlisting new volunteers for ministry, and training and encouraging both new and old volunteers.
Make Classrooms Look Fresh And Special
Kids classrooms can become a collection of hodgepodge due to all the different resources that we use, and all the different people who use the rooms. Nobody throws away anything, so the rooms can become cluttered and shabby looking. Have a clean up day before the Launch Day. Try to get everyone who uses the room to meet and haul off the junk and organize the resources. Make the room look special by taking down old pictures and signs. If it is not in current use, it needs to be stored or tossed.
Make Sure Your Curriculum Plans Are In Place
New teachers need to understand how the curriculum works. Even preschoolers have new starts for their weekday or Mother’s Day Out program at this time of year. God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers is a great resource for your preschool ministry to use on Sunday or Wednesday night. It is completely free and is a great series for going through the Old Testament in one year and through the New Testament the next. Take a look here…
David Morrow
Preschool Pastor
Long Hollow Baptist Church
Hendersonville, Tennessee