Bible Story Profiles
Bible Story Profiles provide a simple overview of a particular story along with Bible story highlights and points of interest based on the text. Links to relevant Bible background articles may also be included. The story summary is generally written for kids, but may include notes for parents/teachers. When possible, we try to provide an approximate date for the event covered in the story. A printable PDF for each profile is also included. Story profiles are intended to assist Christian parents and teachers of children, but any interested Bible student may find them helpful.
The Beatitudes Story Profile
This story profile provides a simple overview of The Beatitudes in Matthew 5:1-12 along with highlights and relevant points of interest based on the text. The story summary is written for kids. When possible, we try to provide an approximate date for the event.
Read More ⇨Zacchaeus Met Jesus Story Profile
This profile provides a simple overview of the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus, along with highlights and relevant points of interest based on the text. When possible, we try to provide an approximate date for the event for all story profiles.
Read More ⇨Jesus Healed a Man Born Blind Story Profile
This profile provides a simple overview of the story of Jesus healing a man born blind, along with highlights and relevant points of interest based on the text. When possible, we try to provide an approximate date for the event for all story profiles.
Read More ⇨God Gave Moses His Laws Story Profile
This profile provides a simple overview of the story of God giving Moses His laws in the 10 Commandments, along with highlights and relevant points of interest based on the text. When possible, we try to provide an approximate date for the event.
Read More ⇨God Led His People Story Profile
This profile provides a simple overview of the story of God leading His people through the crossing of the Red Sea along with highlights and relevant points of interest based on the text. When possible, we try to provide an approximate date for the event.
Read More ⇨God Showed His Power to Pharaoh Story Profile
This profile provides a simple overview of the story of God showing His power to Pharaoh through the 10 plagues along with highlights and relevant points of interest based on the text. When possible, we try to provide an approximate date for the event.
Read More ⇨God Spoke to Moses In The Burning Bush Story Profile
This profile provides a simple overview of the story of God speaking to Moses in the burning bush along with highlights and relevant points of interest based on the text. The story summary is written for kids. When possible, we provide an approximate date for the event.
Read More ⇨God Protected Baby Moses Story Profile
This story profile provides a simple overview of the story of Moses and the bulrushes along with highlights and relevant points of interest based on the text. The story summary is written for kids. When possible, we try to provide an approximate date for the event.
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