Matching Game Bible Activities for Children

Matching games are great for developing memory recall while also reviewing key elements of the relevant Bible story. Here's how the match game works. Shuffle eight pairs of tiles and lay them facedown on a table or solid surface. Explain that each child will take turns to turn over two tiles. If you have a match, you get to remove it from the "board" and try again. If you don't have a match, your turn is over. Whoever has the most tiles at the end of the game wins. These match game activities highlight various Bible situations and themes. Click on the picture or title of an activity in the list below to be taken to a web page where you can download it.

Sodom and Gomorrah Match Game

We learn about the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis chapter 19. Just prior to this, in chapter 18, the angels told Abraham of their intention to judge the cities. This grieved Abraham so he interceded on behalf of the cities, but their sin had gone too far. Judgment would be needed to keep…

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Peter and Cornelius Matching Game

The early church was made up almost exclusively of Jews. This Peter and Cornelius story illustration can be used to help kids learn this important story and discover that God sees all people the same regardless of race.

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Armor of God Match Game

This free Armor of God Match Game will help children learn about and identify the pieces of God’s armor found in Ephesians 6. As children play the game, remind them that God provides the armor and weapons we need to live our Christian lives as He desires.

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Thankfulness Matching Game

Use this Thankfulness Matching Game to help remind children that they have been richly blessed with many good things and they should express gratitude to God for those things. This activity can be used in a Sunday School, classroom or homeschool setting.

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Jesus Healed a Man Born Blind Matching Game

This Jesus Healed a Man Born Blind Matching Game will reinforce for kids that Jesus can heal and does so for God’s glory. The activity can be used in a Sunday School, classroom, or homeschool setting.

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Jesus’ Baptism Match Game

When Jesus was baptized He identified with sinners and showed He would die and be raised on our behalf. This free printable matching game activity will help kids remember this very important event in Jesus’ life.

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The Birth of John the Baptist Match Game

God knew that John the Baptist would be a special person with a special job even before he was born. This free, printable, match game activity will help children learn about the birth of John the Baptist and discover that John helped prepare the people of Israel for Jesus.

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Israel Rejected God as Their King Match Game

God always desires the best for His children. God wanted to be the King of Israel, but the people of Israel wanted a human king like the other nations around them. This match game activity will help children remember that God always knows what is best for us.

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God Made the Animals Match Game

This free, printable match game activity, based on Genesis 1:20-25, will help kids learn that all animals were made by God for His purposes. It can be used in a homeschool setting, one-on-one, or in a classroom setting like Sunday School.

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