Word Scramble Bible Activities for Children

Word scramble puzzles really are word unscramble puzzles. The word scramble activities below highlight various Bible events and situations. Click on the title of an activity to be taken to a web page where you'll be able to download it.

Jesus Healed the Paralytic Word Scramble

This Bible activity is a word scramble based on Jesus’ actions to heal and forgive a lame man who was lowered before Him through the roof of the house where He was teaching. The activity highlights eight elements of this event. It also underscores a “bottom line” lesson from the biblical record of the account.

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God Saved Peter Word Scramble

Peter was rescued from jail in Acts 12:1-18. This word scramble puzzle gives your children an opportunity to unscramble seven words and one key phrase related to this event. As they do, they’ll become more familiar with this important happening in the life of the early church.

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Visitors to Baby Jesus Word Scramble

Let your children unscramble the eight words in this puzzle, then one more key word. They’ll be reminded of some important people, places, and elements in the Christmas story.

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Peter and the Lame Man Word Scramble

Give your children an opportunity to unscramble eight words and one phrase in this puzzle that highlights elements in the healing of the lame man near the temple. Peter had no money, but what he did have mattered more than millions of dollars!

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John the Baptist Word Scramble

Unscramble 12 words, then unscramble thirteen more letters to form a key phrase. Every item in this exercise highlights John the Baptist’s ministry. Get ready to learn—and have fun at the same time!

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Good Samaritan Word Scramble

By unscrambling words and a phrase about the parable of the good Samaritan, children learn key themes in Jesus’ parable.

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Zacchaeus Word Scramble

Zacchaeus Word Scramble

This Zacchaeus Word Scramble activity, based on Luke 19:1-10, can help children understand that Jesus died for all people, no matter what they have done.

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Peter Goes Fishing Word Scramble

This word scramble involves 9 words from the story of the miraculous catch of fish found in Luke 5:1-11. Use it to reinforce your teaching of the story.

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