Solo Parent – A Ministry for Single Parent Families
We are grateful that we get to partner with a variety of ministries that serve the Kingdom of God in unique and significant ways. Many of these often are laboring in relative obscurity simply because they feel called by God to do what they’re doing. It’s not easy. Just recently we’ve gotten acquainted with a unique ministry located in Franklin, Tennessee that is serving a significant and growing segment of our population; single parents. The organization is called Solo Parent.
Solo Parent empowers single parents by unlocking their emotional, spiritual, and physical potential. The importance of this mission rests in the significance of the growing number of single parent families. Today, Census data shows there are 10.9 million single-parent households raising 23 million kids in the U.S. According to Care Point Ministry, 67% of single parents don’t attend church for fear of being judged. Tragically, children in these families are at significantly greater risk of mental health challenges, substance abuse, and suicide due to the lack of support and resources available to their families.
As a rule, most pastors and church leaders understand that every group of people, including single parent families, is valuable and worthy of time and energy. No pastor I know WANTS to exclude these vulnerable adults and children. But it’s not always easy to develop the needed resources and strategies for ministering to this group.
Solo Parent can help. They can help you implement one of their two programs in your church to serve these families. These programs are Solo Essentials and Solo Nation.
Whether you are a church leader, a solo parent yourself, or a concerned Christian with a heart for single parent families, check out what Solo Parent is doing and how you or your church might be able to help. Also watch the video below and visit their website. Their groups offer the belonging that single parents are searching for, creating safe spaces for them to connect, grow, and find hope.
The ministry of this organization will be directly impacting successive generations. Visit and watch the video below to see how you can support single parents in your church and community. You can also download a free resource that provides suggestions for how to care for single parents in your church. Together, we can empower single parents and transform families.