Teacher of the Word

Teaching the Bible to children is a gift from God. He has called us to teach and lead the little ones to know Him, to love Him, and to follow Him. With this calling comes great responsibility and one that we shouldn’t take lightly. In order to teach the Word, we must continually be in the Word ourselves. We must spend time daily with God, drawing closer to Him as we read His Word to us.

But let’s be honest for a minute…how often do we take the time to truly study the Bible story we are teaching each Sunday? How often do we read through the curriculum we are using without even opening our Bible? How often do we “wing it” and just glance at the story but never truly study it? I am definitely guilty of all these things! But I wanted things to change. I wanted to be a better Bible teacher. I wanted to learn more so I could teach more and teach the truth.

Teacher of the Word is a 52-week journal for Bible teachers that helps them spend time in the Word BEFORE teaching the Bible to kids. Before even reading over the curriculum you are using, this book guides you to grab your Bible and read the story straight from it. It invites leaders to truly listen to God before they jump into teaching kids every Sunday. It guides them in how to spend time with God in the Word and how to listen for His voice.

Every journal page invites you to be still and pray, find the key verse that speaks to you, write down what you learned, use your imagination to wonder more about the story, discover the points that God wants you to teach, and close out your time with prayer. This process will help you stay focused on what He wants you to teach the children in your flock.

Also sprinkled throughout the book are verses about teaching as well as Bible teaching tips. These tips are ideas you can use to transform your Bible teaching. They help you engage your little learners and make the Bible story come to life for them.

Teacher of the Word is designed to inspire Bible teachers to take the time each day to study His Word and listen to God. By providing a practical yet reflective tool, this journal helps teachers stay organized, deepen their understanding of Scripture, and create lessons that truly connect. Whether you’re a seasoned leader or just starting out, this resource equips you to confidently share the life-changing truths of the Bible. Begin your weekly Bible teaching preparation with Teacher of the Word and watch how it transforms both your teaching and your own faith.

Vanessa Myers loves teaching kids the Word of God in fun and creative ways. She also enjoys encouraging other leaders to become the best Bible teachers they can be! She is a children’s minister, author, speaker, and founder of Family Faith Builders. Vanessa creates simple Bible resources for families that help kids explore God’s Word in fun and engaging ways. She also writes children’s devotionals that help kids learn God’s Word. Check out her resources and books on her website: www.familyfaithbuilders.org

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