Lesson Unit: Jesus Grew the Church

All of God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers curriculum is now available for free. If you have questions about the curriculum or have a suggestion for future curriculum development, please contact us and we’ll do our best to help you and get you what you need. This is the Jesus Grew the Church unit.
Jesus Grew the Church (Five Lessons)
In John 16:7, Jesus told His disciples they would benefit after His departure because He would send the Holy Spirit to them. Working in and through God’s people in the days of the early church, the Holy Spirit bore witness—and bears witness—to the truth about Jesus.
Learning about the growth of the Church in Acts positions believers to cooperate with the Holy Spirit and to effectively aid in its continued expansion today. This is God’s unfolding story, a story of which everyone is a part. This Jesus Grew the Church unit of lessons can help even preschoolers learn to serve God and grow His church. Lessons in this unit are listed below. Just click on each lesson title to access the individual lessons. A printable PDF of the Unit Overview Page is accessible here.
Unit Bible Lessons
Paul Learned About Jesus
In his quest to persecute Christians and destroy Christianity, Paul was traveling to Damascus. As he traveled, he met Jesus and soon became one of His loyal followers. This Bible lesson for preschoolers highlights what happened to Paul during and shortly after his Damascus road experience.
Paul Escaped in a Basket
If a “great” soldier on one side of a battle switches sides and becomes a great soldier for the other side, he’ll have some new friends and some new enemies. Such was the case for Paul, who had been battling Christianity but then became a believer in Jesus. Now, Paul’s former friends wanted to kill him—so his new friends helped him escape from town during the middle of the night! “Paul Escaped in a Basket” is an interesting and engaging lesson for preschoolers! The adults who teach it will have fun as well!
Peter Was Rescued from Jail
King Herod had Peter thrown in jail for continuing to tell others the good news about Jesus. He planned to execute Peter as well, but in the middle of the night an angel came to Peter and escorted him out of the prison. This Bible lesson for preschoolers has adventure, excitement, and encouragement. It costs something to obey God, but God takes care of everyone who is faithful to Him.
Paul Taught Lydia About Jesus
As the gospel continued to spread, a woman named Lydia in Philippi responded by becoming a believer in Jesus. In fact, her entire household came to faith in Christ. This lesson highlights for preschoolers Paul’s interaction with Lydia, her friends, and members of her household in Philippi on Paul’s second missionary journey.
God Took Care of Paul and Silas
What did Paul and Silas do in jail? They sang and prayed, and they saw miracles happen! Learn what God did with and for Paul and Silas in this important Bible lesson. As you teach your preschoolers, you’ll learn some important things as well.