Lesson Unit: Joshua

All of God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers curriculum is now available for free. If you have questions about the curriculum or have a suggestion for future curriculum development, please contact us and we’ll do our best to help you and get you what you need. This is the Old Testament Joshua unit.
Joshua Unit (Four Lessons plus Easter)
Joshua learned from the best. Even as a young man, he served as Moses’ assistant (see Num. 11:28). One of the 12 spies sent out by Moses to survey the promised land, He, along with his fellow spy Caleb, made the unpopular recommendation to move out to take the land. Joshua and Caleb knew God would grant victory if the Israelites trusted Him. The Israelites didn’t follow this recommendation and wandered in the wilderness another 40 years as a result.
Joshua succeeded Moses after Moses died, so the one who had been Moses’ assistant led the people in their conquest of Canaan. Joshua led effectively on many levels. He offered a consistent example of trusting God, and he acted on that trust. He also faithfully challenged and warned God’s people regarding obedience to the Lord in the new land. This Old Testament Joshua unit explores Joshua’s faith in God and his leadership of God’s people, and it affirms his vital role in God’s unfolding story. Lessons in this unit are listed below. Just click on each lesson title to access the individual lessons.
Please note this unit contains a lesson for Easter. This is the same lesson as the Easter Sunday lesson in the New Testament (NT07L5). It falls as the 5th lesson in the Joshua Unit, but is designed to fall on Easter Sunday whenever it occurs. A printable PDF of the Unit Overview Page is accessible here.
Unit Bible Lessons
Joshua Explored the Promised Land
Caleb and Joshua were outnumbered, but they were right. As two of twelve Israelite spies send to scout out the promised land and report back, they recommended to their fellow Israelites that they trust God for strength and victory. God honored Joshua and Caleb for their faith and courage, and their example still inspires us today!
Joshua—The New Leader
After Moses died, Joshua became Israel’s leader. God commanded him to be strong and courageous, for He would be with him. Joshua, in turn, commanded the people to trust God and to exercise faith in taking the new land.
Joshua – God Stopped the River
Holding back the waters of the Jordan River, God made it possible for His people to cross the river on dry land. This was yet another miracle God performed to benefit His people and to fulfill His promise to give Canaan to Abraham and his descendants.
The Fall of Jericho
God’s people conquered Jericho by following God’s instructions to march around the city once a day for six days, then seven times on the seventh day. The victory over Jericho was complete and decisive!
Jesus Is Alive! (Easter Sunday, OT)
Appropriately, this Easter lesson focuses on Jesus’ resurrection from the dead and highlights Mary’s response when she discovered that Her Master was indeed alive (see John 20:1-18). It also covers the initial discoveries Peter and John made with regard to Jesus’ resurrection.