Lesson Unit: Jesus Shared His Love

All of God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers curriculum is now available for free. If you have questions about the curriculum or have a suggestion for future curriculum development, please contact us and we’ll do our best to help you and get you what you need. This is the Jesus Shared His Love unit.
Jesus Shared His Love (Four Lessons)
Certainly, one of the most important things we could ever help a child understand is that Jesus loves him or her unconditionally. Many of the children you teach are facing difficult family circumstances that may cause them to wonder if anyone loves them at all. But all children, regardless of their home situations, need to hear that Jesus loves them. Some of your children may feel they are unlovable. Some need to hear the value of loving our friends. Some need to feel the physical touch of Jesus through your hands. All of them need to see what it means to serve others with love. The lessons in this Jesus Shared His Love unit will give your children a healthy and satisfying picture of Jesus’ love for all people. Lessons in this unit are listed below. Just click on each lesson title to access the individual lessons. A printable PDF of the Unit Overview Page is accessible here.
Unit Bible Lessons
Zacchaeus Met Jesus
A hated tax collector named Zacchaeus was a changed man after Jesus spent time with him. Why and how did Zacchaeus’ life change? This lesson focuses the meeting Zacchaeus had with Jesus. After meeting Jesus, Zacchaeus did things for people that surely caused them not to hate him anymore.
Mary and Martha
Which is more important—making sure everything is right when you have company in your home, or listening to Jesus? Mary knew already, and her sister Martha learned. This lesson highlights the event that featured Mary’s example and Jesus’ instructions to Martha. Even preschoolers can learn from this episode in the sisters’ lives.
Jesus and the Children
Despite His busy schedule, Jesus made children a priority. Today’s lesson offers proof of this important reality.
Jesus Washed the Disciples’ Feet
Who is better and greater than those around him or her? Jesus said the one who serves others is truly great, and He showed His followers how to serve. This lesson highlights the service Jesus gave His disciples when He washed their feet. What are some ways preschoolers and adults who love Jesus can serve others today?