Lesson Unit: Joseph

All of God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers curriculum is now available for free. If you have questions about the curriculum or have a suggestion for future curriculum development, please contact us and we’ll do our best to help you and get you what you need. This is the Old Testament Joseph unit.
Joseph Unit (Four Lessons)
In the true story of Joseph we see that ultimately, God used hardship in one man’s life to benefit countless others at that time and even since. Yet He also set the stage for an exodus from slavery for His people centuries later, one that would foreshadow an even greater deliverance that would be secured by His own Son on the cross many centuries after the Exodus.
In this Old Testament Joseph unit, we clearly see that God is a loving and masterful orchestrator of events, accomplishing both short- and long-term objectives. Even preschoolers can understand that the main character in Genesis 37–50 isn’t Joseph, but God. Here’s another lesson. Like Joseph, people who submit to Yahweh and obey Him not only are blessed, but they become blessings to others as well.
Lessons in this unit are listed below. Just click on each lesson title to access the individual lessons. A printable PDF of the Unit Overview Page is accessible here.
Unit Bible Lessons
Joseph’s Special Coat
Jacob loved his son Joseph so much he gave him a special coat. Joseph’s brothers were jealous, so they took steps to get rid of Joseph. God was working in Joseph’s life, however, blessing him even in hardship.
God Was with Joseph in Egypt
Joseph sought to honor God even though he was in Egypt and even though he wound up in prison. God blessed him and gave Joseph even more opportunities to make a positive difference in people’s lives.
Joseph Helped the King
This is the true story of Joseph’s promotion from prison to palace. Whether a prisoner or a commander with great influence, Joseph honored God. This made it possible for God to use him to advance His unfolding story.
Joseph and His Family
Joseph’s brothers had sold him into slavery. Years later, when Joseph encountered his brothers, he could have sought revenge against them, but he didn’t. Joseph’s forgiveness showed godly character!