Valentine’s Day Bible Verses

Any time is a good time to encourage children to memorize Scripture and Valentine’s Day is no exception. In addition, the Scripture Pages we provide on Sunday School Zone will encourage kids to think about and remember the verses they’ve learned as they walk through their day. Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity to emphasize serving others and appreciating God’s love for us. Here are several Valentine’s Day Bible Verses that emphasize these aspects of Christian love. Each comes with a Scripture page.

5 Verses About Love

Love Your Neighbor as Yourself, Matthew 22:39. What a great time of year to reinforce this simple truth.

God’s Faithful Love, Psalm 107:1. While they’re reminded to love others, kids should also be reminded that God loves them. We love because He first loved us!

Love One Another, John 15:17. This is Jesus’ single “new commandment.”

For God So Loved the World, John 3:16. God calls us to love sacrificially, just as He loved us and gave Jesus for us.

Serve One Another Through Love, Galatians 5:13. A strong admonition from Paul.

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