New and Fun Ways to Teach the Bible to Kids

jesus_baptism_word_search-1If you’re like many parents or teachers, your Bible teaching needs are ongoing and you’re always trying to find new and fun ways to teach the Bible to kids. Sunday School Zone is adding new activities to the site almost daily. If you haven’t been to the site recently, then there may be new activities that you don’t yet know about. We want to make it easy for you to find recently added activities.

There are actually several ways to find recently added activities on Sunday School Zone.

Go to the Home Page

The Home Page for Sunday School Zone identifies the six most recently added activities. You’ll find a brief introduction describing the activity and a title you can click on that will take you to that activity. These activities can be found in the main, center column just beneath a description of the web site.

Click on the Recently Added Button

On the vast majority of pages you will see a Recently Added Activities link at the top of the far left (sidebar) column. As you’re reading this article you should be able to see this link to the left. This link will take you to an archive page where you’ll find the 60 or so most recently added activities listed with a link and description for each. Each page will have 10 activities so it shouldn’t take you long to scroll through the latest additions.

Click on the Activities Item in the Main Navigation Bar

Toward the top of every page on the site there’s a navigation bar. On the far left you’ll see the word “Activities” in the bar. Clicking on this word (not one of the sub menus underneath it) will take you to a page that describes the types of activities you can find on the site. Under this descriptions, you’ll find a list of every activity we have on the site. Yes, this is a long list, but the most recently added activities are always at the “top” of the list. That means they will always be the ones you see on the first page. All subsequent activities are listed in the order in which they were posted with the oldest activities coming last.

We hope this will make it easy for you to quickly find those activities that may have been posted since you were here last. When you’re looking for new and fun ways to teach the Bible to kids, it’s good to know the easiest way to find them. Happy teaching!


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