Bible Stories On Sunday School Zone
Below is a list of Bible stories for kids for which we have activities or resources of some kind. We are adding new children's Bible stories as well as related activity pages and resources on a regular basis. If you can't find what you're looking for, come back soon or contact us to make a suggestion. You may also want to sign up for our free weekly enewsletter that will update you on new and featured Bible lessons and activities. Our free, printable Bible activities can be used to supplement a Bible teaching curriculum resource you're already using or they can be used as stand alone activities. You can also view a listing of all of the types of activities we provide on the site.
A Fierce Storm
This story, found in Matt. 8:23-27; Mark 4:35-41; and Luke 8:22-25, demonstrates Jesus' wonderful power even over creation and reveals that Jesus truly is like no other! In this story Jesus calmed a storm on the Sea of Galilee. The lessons and activities listed below will help remind children that Jesus has the power to do whatever He knows is best. That's because He is the Son of God, the promised Messiah of the Old Testament. These are important lessons for kids of any age to learn!
A Room for Elisha
This Old Testament Bible story we call "A Room for Elisha" reveals how God cared for the needs of His servant Elisha through a Shunamite couple and how Elisha showed his gratitude for the generosity they extended to him. This story and its Bible activities can help teach children concepts such as generosity, service, and gratitude, as well as the blessings one may receive for practicing these virtues. These qualities demonstrate sacrificial love in our lives. This love is a core characteristic of people who seek to follow Jesus.
Abraham Had a Son
God promised Abraham that he would have a son. God kept His promise, but the aging Abraham and Sarah had to wait many more years before Isaac was born and they saw the fulfillment of God's promise. Still, God's timing is perfect. God wanted to demonstrate that His plan was truly miraculous and something only He could accomplish. From these Abraham and Isaac Bible activities kids can learn that, sometimes, God’s promises take time to come to fruition, but He is always faithful to His promises and his people.
Abraham Shared with Lot
The land God had called Abraham to could no longer support the families and herds of both Abraham and Lot. Though Abraham was older than Lot and could have claimed the land he wanted, he graciously allowed Lot to choose where he wanted to settle. It was an act of selfless, sacrificial love and demonstrated Abraham's great character. He knew that God is a selfless and gracious God. These activities will will help children understand that we need to keep a strong, confident faith in the promises and faithfulness of God.
Abraham Trusted God
God had asked Abraham to move to a strange land and live a life of faith. Abraham was consistently obedient to God's direction and showed how trusting in God is always the best way, even when it is difficult. In this story, God promised that He would give Abraham many descendants and bless the whole world through them. These Abraham Trusted God activities will help remind children how, as long as we put our faith in Him, God will keep His promises.
Abraham Was Called to Sacrifice Isaac
Abraham was a man of great faith, but Abraham's faith was tested and demonstrated when God called him to sacrifice his son, Isaac. But how would God fulfill His promise if Isaac were dead? Abraham had to believe that God would find a way as long as he was obedient. These Abraham Was Called to Sacrifice Isaac Bible activities for children are about the story of Abraham being tested by God and will help kids understand God's power and His provision when we trust and obey Him.
Adam and Eve
God made Adam and Eve. They were the first humans ever to live. They lived in a good world with everything they needed until they doubted God and disobeyed Him. They thought they could do better than God, but they quickly learned that God is the only true source of knowledge and protection. These Adam and Eve Bible activities highlight their creation, their sin and its consequences, as well as God's great redemptive and restorative love for them, even after they had disobeyed Him.
Adam and Eve Sin, Genesis 3:1-24
The first chapters of Genesis (and the Bible) tell us that Adam and Eve lived in a "good" world until they disobeyed God. In creation, God had provided everything they needed, but they doubted His goodness and chose to trust a tree (rather than God) to give them what they needed. Trusting something other than God is the heart of idolatry. These activities for the Adam and Eve Sin Bible story (Gen. 3:1-24) highlight their sin and its consequences, as well as God's restorative love for them, even after they'd done wrong.
Adam and Eve Were Called to Rule
According to Genesis 1:26-28, God created Adam and Eve and gave them the assignment to rule over all aspects of His creation. The Garden of Eden was just the starting point for what God wanted to accomplish. These Adam and Eve Were Called to Rule Bible activities will help children see that God has called His people to rule creation as His representatives. We are His image bearers, carrying His image, character, and love to the world. These activities will encourage kids to pursue this purpose for their lives.
An Angel Spoke to Joseph
Joseph (in the New Testament) was betrothed to Mary, but naturally assumed she had been unfaithful to him when she became pregnant before they came together. He didn't feel he could marry her, so he decided to divorce her quietly because he still cared for her. An angel then visited Joseph to tell him the child would be the Son of God and he (Joseph) should take Mary as his wife. These Angel Spoke to Joseph Bible activities below relate to this visit to Joseph from an angel.
Believers in the Early Church
The early church, as seen in the Book of Acts, was a special group of people who can set the example for all believers today. The growth of the early church demonstrated the power of God's Kingdom to overcome the forces of worldly kingdoms. The key to the power of God's Kingdom has always been sacrificial love. These Believers in the Early Church Bible activities for children will help kids see how the early church loved one another and extended that love towards others.
Boy Jesus in the Temple
Jesus showed at an early age that He was becoming aware of His identity as the Messiah. Even at the age of 12 He was able to talk with the teachers in the temple. This event shows His early familiarity with the Scriptures and that He understood the temple to be His "father's house." These Boy Jesus in the Temple Bible activities are about this event and can help kids understand that, like Jesus, they also must take the time to grow in their understanding of God and spirituality.
Cain and Abel, Genesis 4:1-16
According to Genesis 4:1-16, when God found Abel's sacrifice acceptable but rejected Cain's sacrifice (for reasons not given in the text), Cain became angry and killed Abel, his brother. Cain's sin revealed that the sin of his parents, Adam and Eve, was now growing in its reach and consequences. These Cain and Abel Bible activities for children will help children see that sin and evil were spreading rapidly through humanity and that something would need to be done. And God would, in time, do something!
We celebrate Christmas as one of the greatest events in history and rightly so. In this baby we celebrate rests the hopes of all people. Baby Jesus is our Savior, our King, and the promised Messiah of the Old Testament. His humble birth demonstrated the surprising nature of God's Kingdom. God's power is not found in the seats of worldly power, but in humble places. Here are some free, printable Christmas Bible activities to help you teach children about the importance of this amazing event.
Even young children can understand that God created the world and everything in it, including people. This is an important lesson for kids as it helps them understand that God made us with real purpose. We are not accidents but valuable creatures with an eternal purpose! These free Creation Bible activities, based on the creation account found in Genesis 1, will help children understand that God is the Source of all things. God made everything there is, including you!
Daniel in the Lion's Den
The life of Daniel in the Old Testament teaches faith and courage, and it is a popular story that kids always enjoy. While living in Babylon, evil people plotted against Daniel and had him thrown to the lions, believing they would kill him, because he prayed to the only true God. But God protected Daniel and saved him from the lions. These free, printable Daniel in the Lion's Den Bible activity pages will help children learn to trust God to accomplish His purposes, even when things don’t go the way we want.
David and Goliath
The story of David and Goliath is a story of God's triumph over His enemies through unlikely means. David was just a boy, but he had learned in the fields to trust God and to know that God would deliver him. And He did! David would become Israel's greatest king and this story demonstrates, in part, why God chose him. Kids love this story and it will help children realize the strength of their God and how He can conquer evil through us.
David and Jonathan
The story of David and Jonathan is a story of enduring friendship even when life challenges that friendship. David and Jonathan became deep friends even though Jonathan's father, Saul, perceived David as a threat and wanted to kill him. These David and Jonathan Bible activities are about this friendship and can help children learn to understand the importance of friendship and how to be a good friend to others, even when circumstances may make that difficult to do.
David and Mephibosheth
The story of King David and Mephibosheth (Jonathan's son) brings to life for kids the concepts of mercy, forgiveness and unconditional love. Years after Saul and Jonathan had died, David showed mercy to this descendant (and heir to the throne) when other kings would want to kill Mephibosheth in order to eliminate the possible threat. These free, printable David and Mephibosheth Bible activities will help children learn this story and the example of mercy that King David showed.
David Was a Shepherd Boy
Before David slew Goliath with just a stone and, ultimately, became the King of Israel, he was an unknown shepherd boy tending the sheep of his father. But it was in these fields that David learned to trust God, worship God, and understand that God is a powerful God who cares for His people. These David Was a Shepherd Boy activities will encourage kids to think about the time when David was a young boy tending sheep in the fields, and encourage children to trust God just as David did.
David Was Called as King
David was called as King of Israel and anointed by Samuel long before the people of Israel even knew who he was. David was still a shepherd boy tending his father's sheep when he was anointed to be the king. God chose David out of all of his older brothers because of his love for God, even though he was the youngest. The story of David's calling helps young children understand how God has a plan for each person, even if we think we are too young or unimportant.
Easter Season, All Four Gospels
There are a number of significant events associated with the Easter season. Jesus knew He was moving toward the cross as He and His disciples traveled to Jerusalem for the last time. His followers later realized the events leading up to the crucifixion and resurrection were always part of God's plan. These events that happened late in Jesus' life are all part of the Easter season and these Easter Season Bible Activities can help kids understand and remember the real meaning of Easter and how it was always part of God's great plan.
Elijah Prayed for Rain
The story of Elijah praying for rain can be a wonderful and dramatic introduction to biblical miracles for children. It demonstrates that God is Lord over all things, including the false gods people were worshiping at the time and even the weather itself. After a season of drought, Elijah prayed for rain and God made it rain! This Elijah Prayed for Rain story and these activities can help kids remember that the God of the Bible is a powerful God of great miracles that point people to Him.
Elisha Healed a Captain Called Naaman
God's love has never been limited to just the Hebrew people. From the very beginning, God desired to use His people, Israel, to bring redemption and restoration to all people and even creation itself (Gen. 12:1-3). The story of Naaman being healed can illustrate this important truth for kids in a powerful way. God was willing to bless and heal even a Syrian (foreign) army captain. These Elisha Healed Naaman activities will help kids understand that God loves all people no matter who they are or where they live.
Esther and the King
Queen Esther is a figure of courage and faith in the Old Testament. While her people, the Jews, were living in Babylon as deportees, wicked men plotted against them. Esther approached the king and was able to save her people in a miraculous way. Many Jews today still celebrate this victory (Purim). Esther was not a typical Jew or a typical Jewish woman of that day. These Esther and the King Bible Activities will help kids learn about this brave Jewish woman and the circumstances of this significant historical event.
Exile Is Coming!
Jeremiah was a prophet to the southern kingdom of Judah decades after the northern kingdom of Israel had fallen. He lived during the tumultuous time leading up to and following the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians. Jeremiah was called by God to deliver a very unpopular message. “Destruction is coming! Exile is coming!” The final destruction inevitably did come when Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed and only a few people escaped deportation to Babylon. This story is about Jeremiah's message.
Ezra Read the Law
Ezra was a prophet in Israel at a very important time following the Babylonian Exile. He reminded the people of the importance of God's Word and challenged them to hear it and follow it. The story of Ezra and the Law and these accompanying activities can illustrate to your kids how reading God's Word has always been important for God's people. This story gives children an opportunity to discuss how the way people read God's Word may have changed through history, but God's Word never changes.
Gabriel Visited Mary, Luke 1:26-38
The Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and announced that she would soon have a special baby—Jesus, God's Son, the Messiah! What an exciting but frightening announcement this was for Mary. His birth would be a total miracle! These Gabriel Visited Mary Bible activities highlight for kids that special visit and Jesus' miraculous conception and birth. How happy Mary must have been and how wonderful that Christians now share Jesus' physical and spiritual pedigree!
God Answered Hannah's Prayer
Hannah prayed desperately for a son and God gave her a baby she named Samuel. Hannah honored the Lord by dedicating the boy to Him. Samuel became a great prophet and would lead the nation through the transition from a confederacy under judges to a kingdom under kings. God would use Hannah and her son to accomplish His purposes in Israel. These God Answered Hannah's Prayer Bible activities will help kids learn this story and see how God used Hannah's difficult circumstances to accomplish His will.
God Called Abraham
The Lord spoke to Abraham and told him to move from his homeland to a new land. God promised to make of him a great nation. Abraham trusted God, journeyed to Palestine, and God blessed him. God intended to use Abraham and his descendants to bless all the nations of the world. And God did, indeed, use the Hebrew people to accomplish His purposes. These God Guided Abraham Bible activities for kids highlight Abraham's moving out in faith, as well as the guidance that God provided.
God Gave Moses the Ten Commandments
After God delivered the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt, He brought them to Mt. Sinai where He gave them laws that would govern how they were to live. Core to this set of laws was a shorter list that we call the Ten Commandments. These 10 Commandments provide a wonderful framework for kids (and adults also) to understand the Lord's expectations for all people. These Ten Commandments Bible Activities highlight the encounter in which God gave Moses the tablets containing the Ten Commandments.
God Guided Noah
"Build an Ark," God told Noah. "I am going to destroy the earth with a flood, but you and your family will be safe in the ark." Noah obeyed God, and God guided him every step of the way. The story of Noah and the Ark reveals God's plan to fulfill His promise to defeat evil and restore His Kingdom. These God Guided Noah Bible activities for children highlight God's call to Noah as well as Noah's complete obedience. God would use Noah to stop the spread of evil and advance His Kingdom restoration plan.
God Held Back the Jordan River
God had called Joshua to take the Promised Land, but there was one small problem. The Jordan River stood between the Promised Land and the people of God. But no obstacle is too great for God. In an amazing demonstration of His power and in a way much like the parting of the Red Sea, God held back the Jordan River so the people could cross on dry land and thus begin the long-awaited conquest of the Promised Land. These God Held Back the Jordan River Bible Activities are about this important event.
God Helped Deborah
The story of Deborah as a Judge is one of the few stories in the Bible which features female leadership and is a wonderful example of how God can use any one who wants to be His servant. During the period of the confederacy, before the monarchy was established, God used Deborah to deliver His people from their enemies. It's a dramatic story that reveals God's ongoing love and power. These free, printable Deborah the Judge Bible activities will help you introduce children to this special leader.
God Helped Gideon
God used Gideon to free Israel from their enemies. Gideon didn’t think God could use him because he was ill-equipped and frightened. But God did use him and demonstrated that God is able to use unlikely people who don't feel usable! These God Helped Gideon Bible Activities for kids will help children understand that God can use weak people and give them courage to accomplish great things. The activities can be used in a church, school, or home school setting.
God Helped Samson
God had given Samson great strength which Samson used to defeat Israel's enemies. But when Samson acted foolishly he lost God's strength and suffered for it. In a final and dramatic act of defiance of God's enemies, God restored Samson's strength and used him in a powerful way. These God Helped Samson Bible Activities for children will help kids learn about Samson, his failures, and how God ultimately restored his strength in that final dramatic event.
God Led His People Through Moses
Facing the Red Sea on one side and the Egyptian army on the other, the Israelites had no possible way of escape. But God specializes in doing the impossible. Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and God parted its waters. His people walked right through on dry ground. This Exodus event became the defining moment in Israel's history and is still so today. The following God Led His People Through Moses Bible Activities highlight this important event in Bible history.
God Made People
These God Made People Bible activities celebrate God's creation of the first man and the first woman, Adam and Eve. These activities also underscore the fact that people were created in the image of God. We are, therefore, His image-bearers and are designed to carry His image and represent Him in the world in which He has placed us. It also means we are unique and more valuable to God than all other aspects of creation. These activities can be used at home, in church, or in a Christian or home school setting.
God Made the Animals
God created all the animals, including fish, birds, and land animals. The animals were put here for humankind to enjoy and care for. God made the animals for OUR benefit! The animal kingdom shows just how imaginative and creative God is—and how awesome! These God Made the Animals Bible Activities feature God's creation of the animal kingdom and further reveal the wonderfully balanced ecosystem He created for us to live in. He is truly a powerful, gracious, and wonderful God!
God Made the Plants
God made all the plants, including flowers, vegetable plants, fruit plants, and all the trees. He was busy creating a "good world," the perfect world for the jewel of His creation... people! These God Made the Plants Bible Activities feature the vast number of plants that came into being as a result of God's creative work. These activities underscore the fact that creation is a further expression of God's love for us as He prepared a wonderful home in which people could live.
God Made the World
The Bible is clear that Yahweh, the God of the Bible, is the Creator of all things. This simple truth is bedrock to the Christian faith and will establish other important convictions in the heart and mind of a child... God is the sovereign Lord over all things. God is the ONLY God. God is personal with preferences and desires. And, God is involved in His creation. These free, printable God Made the World activities will help any parent or teacher teach these important truths to the children under their care!
God Parted the Red Sea
God delivered the Hebrew people from Egyptian slavery in powerful and dramatic ways. Although they were pursued by the Egyptian army with the Red Sea in front of them, when God parted the sea the Hebrew people crossed on dry land. From this point forward the Egyptians would not be a threat. It was, and continues to be, a defining moment in the life the Israelite nation. These God Parted the Red Sea Bible activities are about this defining event and can be used in a church, school, or home setting.
God Protected Baby Moses
When Moses was born, his life was at risk. The Egyptian Pharaoh had ordered that all Hebrew baby boys be killed! But God made sure Moses not only survived, but also grew up in Egypt's palace, right under the nose of the Pharaoh! These God Protected Baby Moses Bible activities underscore God's ability to accomplish His purposes in all circumstances and in spite of all opposition. No earthly king can thwart His plans. These Bible lesson activities highlight God's protection of Moses as an infant.
God Sent a Great Flood
Having regretted that He had created humanity because of all the sin and violence in the world, God sent a flood to destroy life on the earth. He saw how evil was destroying people so He acted to keep evil in check. Noah, his family, and the animals, however, remained safe in the ark that God told Noah to build. These God Sent a Great Flood Bible Activities highlight both the flood and the ark's safety. They demonstrate that God is a righteous, but gracious God who will act to limit evil in the world.
God Showed His Power to Pharaoh
God sent Moses to Pharaoh (the King of Egypt) to demand that the king let God's people (the Hebrews) go, but Pharaoh was stubborn and refused. God, therefore, demonstrated His power over the Egyptian king and his powerless gods on the Israelites' behalf. God gradually brought the Pharaoh to his knees. There were a number of plagues that God sent upon the Egyptians, but these God Showed His Power to Pharaoh Bible activities highlight the plague in which frogs infested Egypt.
God Spoke to Moses in the Burning Bush
God spoke to Moses from a burning bush (that wasn't consumed by the fire) and told him he was to go to the Egyptian Pharaoh and tell him to release God's people, the Hebrew slaves. Moses was reluctant, but God's call was clear. This began the dramatic chain of events that culminated in the great Exodus from Egypt. These God Spoke to Moses in the Burning Bush Bible Activities are about that important event in the Old Testament, in Moses' life, and in Israel's history.
God Spoke to Samuel
Samuel was a prophet at a very important time in Israel's history. When Samuel was a boy, he was serving in the place of worship for God's people. One night God spoke to Samuel. At first Samuel thought it was someone else. But after three times, Samuel listened to God and received the message. These God Spoke to Samuel Bible Activities will help children understand that God still speaks to people today through the Bible and through His Spirit. Even kids can understand the importance of listening to God's voice.
God Stopped the Jordan River, Joshua 3--4
God had called the people of Israel to take the Promised Land, but there was a problem; the Jordan River stood between the land and the people. But, in a demonstration of His power, and just as He had done at the Red Sea, God stopped the Jordan River so the people could cross and begin the conquest. This event and these God Stopped the Jordan River Bible Activities connect the beginning of the conquest with the earlier Exodus event. Children will learn that just as God has worked in the past, He is still working today.
God Was with Joseph in Egypt
Even though Joseph (from the Old Testament) had been cruelly sold into slavery by his brothers, God blessed him in everything he did. Even while he was unfairly imprisoned in Egypt, God allowed Joseph to become a trusted leader. It would lead to his becoming a significant leader in Egypt and the world. These God Was with Joseph in Egypt Bible activities are about Joseph's faithfulness to the Lord in a foreign land and how God remained with him in every circumstance.
God's People Enslaved In Egypt
In Exodus 1, we learn about Joseph's death and what happened next. The Egyptian leaders forgot all that Joseph had done for them, and made the Hebrew people slaves because they feared them. The lives of the Israelite people became bitter and hard. This story and the activities below will help kids see that God has a plan in spite of harsh circumstances and is always with us. Children will learn that while Israel’s slavery was real, it is also a picture of the slavery to sin all people experience.
God's People Wandered in the Wilderness
According to Deuteronomy 8:2-6, when it was time for the Israelites to conquer the Promised Land, the people doubted God and refused to go in as He has commanded. As a result, God caused them to wander in the wilderness for 40 years until that faithless generation died off. A new generation of people would be the ones to reap the rewards of obedience. These free Bible activities will help children learn about this significant period of time in biblical history and the importance of trusting the Lord.
God's Promise to Abraham
God's Promise to Noah
God's Unfolding Story (The Biblical Story)
Although the Bible tells a major part of God's story, the biblical story actually continues to unfold even today. God is still God and He is still working in our world and in people's lives today. The God's Unfolding Story (The Biblical Story) Bible activities and resources below (including God's Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers curriculum) can be used to help children learn the six elements of the biblical story and gain a grasp of the broader biblical narrative. In Deuteronomy 4:9, God commands us to teach His story to successive generations. These activities and resources can help you do just that!
Good Friday
Hannah Prayed for a Son
Honor Your Parents
Isaiah Declared God's Holiness
Israel Rejected God as Their King
Jacob Deceived Isaac
Jesus and Nicodemus
Jesus and the Children
Jesus Began the Early Church
Jesus Brought a Girl Back to Life
Jesus Calmed the Storm
It was not uncommon for severe storms to come up quickly on the Sea of Galilee. Encountering one such violent storm while crossing the sea, the disciples called on Jesus to help them even though they were experienced fishermen. He had been sleeping, but He calmed the storm instantly and asked the disciples, "Where is your faith?" These Jesus Calmed the Storm Bible activities will help remind children that Jesus has the power to do whatever He knows is best.
Jesus Fed 5,000
Jesus Healed 10 Lepers
Jesus Healed a Man Born Blind
Jesus Healed a Paralytic
Jesus Healed a Royal Official's Son
Jesus Healed a Woman with a Crooked Back
Jesus Healed Many People
Jesus Is Alive!
Jesus Performed Miracles
Jesus Raised Lazarus From the Dead
Jesus Taught About Fasting
Jesus Taught About Forgiveness
Jesus Taught About Giving
Jesus Taught About Love
Jesus Taught About Prayer
Jesus Taught Important Truths
Jesus Taught We are Like Salt and Light
Jesus Walked on Water
Jesus Washed the Disciples' Feet
Jesus' Baptism
Jesus' Birth
Jesus' First Disciples
Jesus' Temptation
Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem
John the Baptist Told About Jesus
John Wrote About Heaven
John Wrote About Love
John Wrote About the Messiah
John, a Friend of Jesus
Jonah and the Fish
Joseph and His Family
Joseph Helped Pharaoh
Joseph Interpreted Dreams
Joseph Married Mary
When Joseph, who was engaged to Mary, learned that Mary was pregnant, he was bewildered and hurt, but he didn't want to hurt her. He determined to divorce her quietly, but then an angel appeared to him and explained that Mary's baby was special because God Himself was the baby's father. These Joseph Married Mary Bible activities are about Joseph's learning the truth about Mary's baby and how he, in turn, told Mary about Jesus and then married her in spite of his fears.
Joseph Told About Jesus
Joseph's Special Coat
Joseph's Story
Matthew's record of when the angel visited Joseph reveals that Jesus would be the promised Messiah of the Old Testament who would save His people from their sin. The activities and resources listed below are related to these realities found in the New Testament story of Joseph as recorded in Matthew 1:18-25.
Joshua Explored the Promised Land
Joshua Replaced Moses, Joshua 1:1-18
Joshua had been an assistant to Moses and surely learned much about God and leadership as he watched Moses and observed how God used him to lead the Israelites. Joshua served Moses and the Lord for more than 40 years. After Moses died, God called Joshua to lead the people of Israel (Josh 1:1-9). These activities show that Joshua had a big assignment, but God promised to be with him and help him succeed in God's calling. These Joshua Replaced Moses Bible activities are about this important transitional event in Israel's history.
Judges in Israel
Mary and Martha
Mary Anointing Jesus' Feet, John 12:1-8
Just days before His crucifixion, Mary of Bethany (the sister of Lazarus) interrupted a meal and anointed Jesus' feet with expensive oil as an expression of her love and devotion to Jesus. Jesus affirmed her actions and used the situation to point to his coming death on Passover. These Mary anointing Jesus' Feet Bible activities will help kids learn about this beautiful story that brings together the reality of Jesus’ impending death with the power of Mary’s love for her Master.
Mary Visited Elizabeth
God had been orchestrating the events leading up to the birth of Jesus, the Messiah, since Genesis 3:15. John the Baptist was part of God's great plan of redemption and restoration. When Mary visited Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, God confirmed for these important women that He was in control. These Bible activities are about this event.
Mary's Devotion to Jesus
Mary's Story
Luke 1:26-56 tells us the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary before she and Joseph were married and announced that she would have a special baby—Jesus, God's Son! These Mary's Story activity pages highlight that special visit and Jesus' miraculous birth. Jesus was the promised Messiah of the Old Testament who was both physical (of Mary) and spiritual (of the Holy Spirit). How happy Mary must have been!
Moses and the Bulrushes
Moses and the Burning Bush
Moses and the Ten Commandments
Nehemiah and the Wall
Nicodemus Visited Jesus
Noah and the Ark
Noah and the Flood
Palm Sunday, John 12:12-19 (and the other 3 Gospels)
Just a few days before He was crucified, Jesus rode a young donkey into Jerusalem as the people waved palm branches and shouted "Hosanna to the Son of David!" His triumphal entry into Jerusalem declared that Jesus was the Messiah and King the people had been anticipating for centuries. But it also showed that while Jesus is the King of kings, He is not the kind of King we often want. This joyful welcome and declaration is the focus of these Palm Sunday Bible activities for kids.
Parables from Luke 15
Paul and His Friends Taught About Jesus
Paul and Silas Were Rescued from Jail
Paul Escaped in a Basket
Paul Expressed Gratitude
Paul Learned About Jesus
Paul Preached In Athens
On Paul’s second missionary journey, he traveled to Athens, an important city in Greece, and waited there for Silas and Timothy. While he was waiting, Paul was invited to speak to the intellectual leaders at a place called the Areopagus. He told the leaders that the God of the Bible is the only God there is and that He had raised Jesus, His Son, from the dead. These Paul Preached In Athens activities will help children learn that the God of the Bible is the only God there is and that He is worthy of our love and trust.
Paul Taught About the Armor of God
When Paul wrote to the Ephesian church and talked to them about Christian warfare in Ephesians chapter 6, he told them about God's "spiritual armor." This spiritual armor consists of "weapons" God has provided that His people need in order to fight the spiritual battle in which we are engaged. This is a battle against Satan and the powers of evil. It's a battle that threatens the unity of the Lord's church and the people in it who are to operate in love. The activities below are about Paul's teaching on the armor of God.
Paul Taught Lydia About Jesus
Paul Was Shipwrecked
Paul Wrote About Giving
Paul Wrote About Service
Paul Wrote About the Fruit of the Spirit
When Paul wrote to the church at Galatia, he told them that the Spirit will bear certain fruit in our lives such as love, joy, and patience. These "fruit" are important because they impact our relationships and are the best demonstration of God's love in our lives. These Paul Wrote About the Fruit of the Spirit activities can help kids learn that a life lived according to God's Spirit is a life characterized by sacrificial love. These activities can be used at home, in church, or in a school setting.
Paul Wrote to Timothy
Paul's Conversion
People Disobeyed God
Peter and Andrew Become Fishers of Men
Peter and Cornelius Become Friends
Peter and the Lame Man
Peter and the Miraculous Catch of Fish
Peter Healed Tabitha (Dorcas)
Peter Meets Jesus
Peter Preached With Boldness
Peter Preaches on the Day of Pentecost
Peter Was Rescued from Jail
Peter, John, and the Early Church
Peter's Letters
Philip and the Ethiopian
Prophets Told About Jesus' Birth
Ruth and Boaz
Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz
Samuel Anointed Saul
Samuel Obeyed God
Samuel Served God
Saul Was Israel’s First King
Shepherds Visit Jesus
Simeon and Anna Saw Jesus
Sodom and Gomorrah
Stephen Served and Preached
The Beatitudes
The Birth of John the Baptist
The Creation Story
The Crucifixion of Jesus
Many people are reluctant to talk to kids about the crucifixion of Jesus. The horrors of His crucifixion can be graphic and disturbing. But, it's not inappropriate for even young kids to learn that Jesus died a terrible death for our sins. Children are already learning about right and wrong and need to understand that sin and evil have important consequences. These Bible activities about the crucifixion of Jesus balance the horror of the event with the sensitivities of young children.
The Fall of Adam and Eve
The Fall of Jericho
The Good Samaritan
The Great Commission
The Last Supper
The Lord's Supper
The People Honored Jesus
The People in the Church Loved One Another
The People in the Church Shared About Jesus
The Philippian Jailer
The Prodigal Son
The Resurrection of Jesus, All Four Gospels
When Jesus died, His followers were devastated. They didn't expect Him to rise from the dead. So when Mary went to Jesus' tomb, found it empty, and then a bit later saw Jesus Himself standing before her, she was overwhelmed with joy. Soon Jesus appeared to His other followers and it became clear that He really was alive! Jesus had died, but now He was alive! The Resurrection of Jesus Bible activities on Sunday School Zone highlight this important event and the moment Mary saw the resurrected Christ.
The Shepherds Told About Jesus
The Shepherds' Story
The Silence (Between the Testaments)
The Story of God's Care for Us
The Story of the Forgiving King
The Story of the Kind Man
The Story of the Lost Sheep
The Tower of Babel
The Wise Men Told About Jesus
The Wise Men, Matthew 2:1-23
Three In The Fire
Timothy Is Teaching
Timothy Was a Teacher in the Church
Visits from Angels
Where Was Jesus?
Woman At The Well
Also known as the story of the Samaritan woman, this familiar story points to the global scope of Jesus' ministry. He didn't just come for the Jews. Jesus came to save all people regardless of their background or race. And while that's the main point of the story, it also reveals that Jesus deals with people on an individual basis, and will go out of His way to love them and bring them into His grace no matter what. These Woman At The Well activities are about this important story found in John 4:1-42.
Zacchaeus Met Jesus, Luke 19:1-10
Zacchaeus was a hated tax collector. But like others, Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus, but he was not very tall and couldn't see over the crowd. These Zacchaeus Bible activities feature the moment when Jesus looked up in the tree where Zacchaeus was sitting and told him He (Jesus) was coming to Zacchaeus' house that very day. Zacchaeus would never be the same after that. The story of Zacchaeus will help kids understand that Jesus died for all people, no matter what they have done.