Celebrating the New Year as Parents and Teachers

The New Year is often overlooked as a time of celebration for Christians. Not that we don’t celebrate. We all enjoy the possibilities and potential held by the arrival of a new year, not to mention the fireworks and noisemakers that often accompany the last minute countdown. But the arrival of the New Year should also be a time when we remember what Jesus has done for us in securing our salvation and delivering us from the slavery of sin. It can (and should) also be a time to think about where we want to take our kids in the coming year. Here are some resources that may help you see and celebrate the New Year in a fresh way!

Christians and The New Year

This blog post explains why the New Year was a time of celebration of deliverance for the ancient Hebrews. The Passover Festival was to mark the beginning of the year and commemorate their deliverance from Egyptian slavery. The same can be true for us as well. The New Year is our collective spiritual birthday. You can read about it here…

Bible Stories and Activities

Because God associated the Hebrew New Year with the deliverance of the people from Egyptian bondage, we have compiled a list of related stories and activities that you can use to encourage your kids to see the New Year as a time to celebrate God’s work in our lives through Jesus. This is especially appropriate on the heels of celebrating His birth. Christmas celebrates His arrival. The New Year celebrates His salvation! Check out the list…

Thinking About Your Kids and The New Year

The New Year is typically more than just a moment or two of celebration. For many, it’s also a time of anticipation and hope regarding the development of our kids, spiritually and otherwise. Sunday School Zone wants to partner with you in the coming year to make your child’s spiritual development a priority and a reality! To that end, here are some reasons why Sunday School Zone might help you as you think about your children and the New Year. Read more…

Learning Goals for Your Kids in the New Year

It’s natural to think about personal goals and resolutions for ourselves as we move toward a new year. But what about our children? What would we like to see happen in their lives in the coming year? What would YOU like to see happen in the lives of YOUR children? We’d like to suggest two worthwhile Bible learning goals for your kids this coming year. See what we’re suggesting…

Rick Edwards
Author, Speaker, Bible Teacher

See a list of other articles by Rick Edwards.

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