Advertising on Sunday School Zone
Sunday School Zone operates as a Christian ministry to churches, parents, and schools. All of our resources are free to our users. We maintain the site and are able to add regular new (and free) content because we sell advertising on the site. Our calling is to help the church teach His story to successive generations. We welcome advertisers who wish to speak to our audience of Christian adults who work with kids as parents or teachers. (For users who might be curious about how we use Google advertising and retargeting on the site, please go here.)
For those wishing to advertise with us, we welcome inquiries about our audience and how you might connect with them. You can view and download the one-page Sunday School Zone Media Kit by clicking here or on the “Get Activity” button below.
For questions about the site’s growth and traffic patterns, please go here or contact us through our Contact Form.
We offer three standard packages in addition to custom campaigns. These three packages are intended to be simple to understand and allow us to offer comprehensive campaigns for multiple ad clients at one time.
The Leaderboard Package and the Sidebar Package are immediately visible ABOVE THE FOLD on every page of the entire site. There’s no waiting as with Google Ads. This provides for a solid ad impression for every page view.
Each package includes a newsletter banner that goes to a rich list of site users.
Each package includes the opportunity to provide relevant editorial (approximately 600 words) to be featured in The Sunday School Zone Update, our weekly enewsletter that goes out each Saturday morning.
Leaderboard Package: $2,000
- Prominent Top-of-Page Positioning (728×90)
- Includes TWO newsletter banners (600×200)
Sidebar Package: $1,500
- Large (300×250) Sidebar Position
- Includes one newsletter banner (600×200)
Activity Leaderboard Package: $1,500
- This is actually the best performing ad unit (728×90) on the site. We believe this is because it’s so near the Get Activity button on activity pages. That is, after all, primarily why people go to the site.
- Includes one newsletter banner
Custom Campaign Packages
Custom campaigns can be created, but we’re careful to protect inventory that belongs in one of the above packages. There are ad units below the fold that still provide good visibility that can be purchased at much lower rates.
We will work with you to create a trackable campaign that maximizes your visibility to a rich audience of Christian adults who work with kids.