Simple Bible Coloring Pages

Simple coloring pages generally involve crayons and typically are for any age child because they do not require any reading level. They are not color-by-number or connect-the-dots activities. These are great for young children because they reinforce the things they've learned from a Bible story. Simple coloring pages often include a simple Bible lesson.

Jesus Began the Church Coloring Page

Jesus Began the Church Coloring Page

This Jesus Began the Church Coloring Page will help children understand how and when Jesus began the church. You can also see a list of the types of free Bible activities we provide on the site, including large activities. Other related activities can be accessed via the links below. Keep scrolling down to see recently added activities.

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Peter Was Rescued from Jail Coloring Page

Peter Was Rescued from Jail Coloring Page

This free Peter Was Rescued from Jail Coloring Page will help children learn about this event and how God helped the early church share Jesus in spite of opposition. You can also see a list of the types of free Bible activities we provide on the site, including large activities. Other related activities can be accessed via the links…

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Art Print For Isaiah 60:1

Art Print For Isaiah 60:1 by Dwell

Dwell Differently creates art prints (coloring pages) that help people memorize Bible verses. Isaiah 60:1 says, “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.” This colorable Art Print will help you or a child memorize the verse by taking the first letter of each word and creating a unique…

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Peter and the Lame Man Coloring Page

Peter and the Lame Man Coloring Page

This Peter and the Lame Man Coloring Page can help children become familiar with Peter’s role in the early church and with Jesus’ power to heal people. You can also see a list of the types of free Bible activities we provide on the site, including large activities. Other related activities can be accessed via the links below.

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Paul Escaped in a Basket Coloring Page

In Acts 9, we find an exciting story of Paul being persecuted by the religious and government leaders of his day. After Paul met Jesus on the road to Damascus and became His follower, he encouraged other people to follow Jesus as well. Some opponents of Christianity wanted to kill Paul, but his new friends…

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Samuel Obeyed God Coloring Page

Samuel Obeyed God Coloring Page

In 1 Samuel 3, the little boy Samuel had his first experience hearing from God. Samuel’s mother had dedicated him to the Lord, so he served in the Lord’s tabernacle as a boy. One night God spoke to Samuel as he slept. Samuel didn’t want to tell Eli, the priest, what God had said, but Samuel…

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Jesus Raised Lazarus Coloring Page

John reported in chapter 11 of his Gospel that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. This story falls at a central place in the gospel and points to several important truths. This event would reveal Jesus’ power over death and strengthen the resolve of those wanting to kill Jesus, but the circumstances surrounding the event…

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Exile Is Coming! Coloring Page

The Babylonian Exile was a hugely important season in the life of God’s people in the Old Testament. After King Solomon, the nation of Israel fell into a civil war and divided into the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah (where Jerusalem was located). Israel (the Northern Kingdom) finally fell to…

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Sodom and Gomorrah Coloring Page

We learn about the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19. The angels had told Abraham of their intention to judge the cities in the prior chapter. Abraham had interceded on behalf of the cities, but their sin had gone too far. Judgment would be needed to keep sin and evil in check. Only…

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