John, the Apostle

John, the Apostle, was also known as the beloved disciple or the disciple Jesus loved. He is an example of someone who lived with a simple, but deep love for Jesus. He encouraged all believers to love Jesus and love one another. Below you'll find Kids' Bible lesson activities about John, the apostle, disciple, and friend of Jesus.

Peter and the Lame Man Word Search

What were some of the important elements in God’s using Peter to heal the man who had never been able to walk? (See Acts 3:1-10.) This word search puzzle highlights 10 elements. As your children work it, talk to them about how Jesus used His followers to begin the early church. This was one of the important miracles that occurred when the church started.

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Peter and the Lame Man Word Scramble

Give your children an opportunity to unscramble eight words and one phrase in this puzzle that highlights elements in the healing of the lame man near the temple. Peter had no money, but what he did have mattered more than millions of dollars!

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Peter and the Lame Man Crossword Puzzle

What are some important things to remember about Luke’s account in Acts 3:1-10 of Peter healing the lame man in Jesus’ name? This fun crossword puzzle will present eight words that highlight key elements. Sharpen your pencils!

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Peter and the Lame Man Jigsaw Puzzle

Putting together this nine-piece puzzle will give children an opportunity to be reminded of God’s power to heal. They’ll also be reminded that Jesus really was and is God’s Son. After all, Peter did heal the lame man in Jesus’ name! You’ll remind them of these important truths when they work this puzzle, won’t you?

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