The Great Commission

Just before Jesus ascended to be with the Father some 40 days after his resurrection, He gathered with His disciples and commanded them to make other disciples and teach them to follow Him also. This command is called the Great Commission and can be found in Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:46-49, and Acts 1:8. These Great Commission Bible activities are related to the Great Commission Jesus gave prior to His ascension.
Great Commission Teaching Picture
Shortly before His ascension, Jesus told His disciples they would be His “witnesses” and would make disciples of “all nations” (Matt. 28:19-20). This Great Commission Teaching Picture shows Jesus speaking as He delivered this command.
Read More ⇨The Great Commission Bookmarks
Jesus commanded His disciples to go and make other disciples of people from all nations. These Great Commission bookmarks will make great gifts for kids and will remind children that God’s people are charged with making disciples of people all over the world.
Read More ⇨Thanksgiving for God’s Presence Coded Words Activity
Children love coded words activities and this one reinforces the promise of God’s presence and will encourage gratitude in kids as a result. Based on Matthew 28:20 (the Great Commission), this activity will remind kids that “Jesus is always with us.”
Read More ⇨You Will Be My Witnesses Scripture Page
We are witnesses for Jesus when we love him and others and help them see that we love Jesus. Use this printable scripture poster for Acts 1:8 to remind them of God’s presence in our lives.
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