The Josh Denhart Comedy Hour

This is what I’m calling the “Show Page” and is where we would list all videos that have been published along with a careful description of what this thing is.

The image to the left can be anything you want or any size.

There will be 9 videos per page listed below (as opposed to the 4 you can see below now) with the option to see additional pages of videos. Newer episodes land on top while older episodes move to subsequent pages.

Obviously, this copy (and the title above) would be replaced with real copy. The point here is to show that there will be a page where people can quickly find all of your videos. This is the page to which we would link when we want to send people to the “Show.” From here they will select a particular “episode.” We would link to this page from the Blog submenu (above and to the right) and from the slider on the home page whenever we post a new episode. This also gives you a place to which you can link so people can go directly to all of your stuff in one click.

You can, of course, also link directly to any given video. We can also create subcategories of videos in case you want to group or organize them in a particular way. Each video will be listed below with an image. We may want to create a unique image for each “episode” so they don’t all look the same on this page as they do now. Lots to ponder!

Those Who Say and Those Who Do

Lead Volunteers: Those Who Say and Those Who Do

We’ve often heard individuals share at length, droning on and on and on, about what they would like to see happen, and yet those items never come to fruition. They never truly see the light of day and we never see those items being executed. Before long, those who are following such a leader begin…

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Lead Volunteers: Be Humble

Lead Volunteers: Be Humble

There is an interesting verse in the Bible which states “God is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6). That verse is extremely eye opening. To think that the Almighty God of the universe could be opposed to me is very sobering. Opposition to God I don’t want God to…

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Lead Volunteers: Bringing Chaos Into Organization

In this episode of Lead Volunteers (just over 2 minutes), Josh notes that the main reason ministers don’t last long is because of a failure to organize. Lead Volunteers is designed to help you with the task of bringing chaos into organization. Check it out!  Lead Volunteers video episodes by Josh Denhart on Sunday…

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Lead Volunteers: To Excel at Long Suffering, One Must First Suffer Long

In ministry, perseverance and long suffering are part of the package. There is a hard labor of love that comes in ministry. There are people who will intentionally, or unintentionally, seek to hurt and harm. I need to suffer those insults. People Will Disappoint You Being in ministry means that you are going to suffer…

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Lead Volunteers: Concerned About Many Things

I may be concerned about many things, but I am responsible for but a few. Place your energies towards the few. Do you know what YOU are responsible for? Over the years, I have been plagued by what I viewed as illogical and poor decision-making by ministries that I had no responsibility for in my…

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Underutilization of Key Volunteers

Underutilization of key volunteers is as dangerous as overworking and burning out volunteers. We often think that the worst possible scenario is to overwork a zealous volunteer. We definitely need to be cautious and conscious of overworking someone, but there is something just as detrimental as overworking a volunteer. The underutilization of a key volunteer…

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Be a Good Shepherd. Don’t Scare the Sheep.

The role of a shepherd is to lead beside quiet waters, to lead into green pastures, and to care for the sheep. Sheep are interesting animals. Let’s imagine that a herd of sheep is grazing quietly, the sun is out, not a cloud in the sky, and one sheep bends down to eat a tuft…

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Lead Volunteers: Contact Volunteers for More Than Just an Ask

In this episode of Lead Volunteers (under 2 minutes), Josh talks about the value of contacting volunteers in order to affirm then and give to them. When the only time they hear from us is when we’re asking for something, we are conditioning them to dread our call! Lead Volunteers can help you make positive…

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Lead Volunteers: Unity Is a Kingdom Value

I believe that unity is one of the most important things that can occur inside the local church. We need to be unified. Unity is a Kingdom value. Unity Isn’t Always Easy Now, that can be very difficult at times. There have been occasions when, behind closed doors, I was vehemently opposed to a decision…

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