Jesus Ate with Zacchaeus

NT06L1 CroppedThis is a Bible lesson about Jesus’ visit to Zacchaeus’ home found in Luke 19. It is one of several lessons highlighting the fact that Jesus is God’s Son. The others are listed on the “Jesus is God” lessons summary page. This lesson can help kids see Jesus’ love and acceptance for all people, including those who had been alienated from the religious community by their own choices and lifestyle. It is an important lesson with many applications for your kids.  

Lesson Title: Jesus Ate with Zacchaeus

Bible Text: Luke 19:1-10

Learning Objective: To help children understand that Jesus accepts all people, even those who have excluded themselves from God’s family.

The Lead

Choose a free, printable activity from the list of related Bible activities that will be good to open the lesson. As children complete the activity, explain that today’s lesson is about one of many things Jesus did or said that showed he is God. Use the chosen activity to introduce the story.

Read the story from the Bible or invite a child to read the story aloud. Depending on the age and maturity of your kids, you may want simply to tell the story in your own words.

The Lesson

Select an appropriate number of printable activities from the list of related Bible activities and use them to engage your kids in the story. As they work on the activities, emphasize the following truths:

  • Zacchaeus had profited from his profession as a tax collector by taking from people more than was right. As a result, people didn’t like Zacchaeus and he was considered an outcast from the religious community. 
  • Jesus boldly accepted Zacchaeus by speaking to him and by going to his home for a meal. The religious people criticized Jesus for being friends with Zacchaeus. Like Jesus, we should be willing to accept those who may not be welcomed by religious people.
  • By accepting Zacchaeus and defying the religious community, Jesus underscored his divine identity as the Son of God and demonstrated the character of God.  
  • Zacchaeus’ heart was changed because of his encounter with Jesus. He now loved God more than money. None of us are beyond God’s love and acceptance. 
  • When we love God most, our lives will show that He is our Lord.

Note: There are a number of important truths that can be taught from this story. Some kids may need to be encouraged to accept other children (like Jesus), while some may need to feel Jesus’ acceptance (like Zacchaeus). Be sensitive to the needs of the children as you teach this wonderful story.

The Landing

Emphasize for children that Jesus loves all people, not just church-going people. Regardless of who we are or what we’ve done, we are to love Jesus and love others as He has loved us. Such love shows the character of God in our lives. 

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