Bible Timeline Chart (Free, Printable PDF)

Bible Timeline Chart

This free printable Bible timeline chart PDF can be printed on a standard home printer, then easily cut and taped together to create a simple, 66 inch timeline for use in any children’s Bible teaching context. Selected events have been placed on the timeline, but reusable timeline markers are also provided so additional events can be placed on the timeline as needed and then removed so the timeline doesn’t become too cluttered. We’ve also included the God’s Unfolding Story Narrative Elements so it will support those teaching kids God’s Unfolding Story. Other resources related to the Bible timeline can be found here.

The timeline can be downloaded here or by clicking on the Get Activity button below. Instructions for cutting and taping the pages together are printed on the pages. Below is a brief video explanation (less than a minute) of the timeline followed by two pictures of the assembled timeline or a segment of the timeline. We also have a single-page handout of the timeline for learners to examine individually and keep. We anticipate making revisions to the timeline as we discover improvements and receive feedback from users. Revisions will be announced in our free, weekly newsletter.

Why A Free Printable Bible Timeline Chart

Many people, including those who have been Christians for years, do not know Bible history. A Bible timeline can make it much easier for children and adults alike to see where key events took place relative to other events and when they happened in history. The biblical story is, after all, a true story that has unfolded in real history. Understanding biblical history will not only strengthen our ability to accurately interpret the Bible, it will also help us understand that God’s story continues to unfold and we each have a place in it! This free, printable Bible timeline chart will make it possible for any classroom or home to teach God’s unfolding story (the biblical story) to kids and learners of all ages.

Video Explanation and Picture

The following video provides a quick video scan and explanation of the timeline. It’s about 50 seconds long.

Assembled Timeline

Here’s a picture of the timeline after being printed, cut, and assembled. You can click on the picture to enlarge it.


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