Bible Lesson Activities About Children

Jesus loved children and invited them to come close to Him. The following activities highlight the value the Bible places on the youngest members of the human race.

Boy Jesus in the Temple Story Illustration

When Jesus and His family were visiting Jerusalem, He went missing. After searching, His parents found him in the temple teaching! This story illustration will help kids learn about this event and that Jesus was once a child also, but He was always Lord.

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Hannah Prayed for a Child Story Illustration

Samuel’s mother, Hannah, wanted children for a long time. She prayed for a child, and God answered her prayer by giving her baby Samuel. This story illustration will help kids remember that God still hears and responds to our prayers today.

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God Spoke to Samuel Story Illustration

Samuel was used of God from the time he was a child and became a great prophet in Israel in the time before kings. This God Spoke to Samuel Story Illustration will help kids learn about the boy Samuel and that they can listen and talk to God just like Samuel did.

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Abraham Had a Son Story Illustration

When God made a promise to Abraham that his family would multiply greatly, He began to fulfill that promise with the birth of Isaac, Abraham’s son. This Abraham Had a Son Story Illustration will help kids remember God keeps His promises.

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An Angel Spoke to Joseph Story Illustration

Joseph played a very special role in the life of Jesus. This Angel Spoke to Joseph Story Illustration will help kids remember how Joseph welcomed Jesus into his life and how we should do the same and serve as God leads us to do.

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God Made a Promise to Abraham Story Illustration

God promised Abraham that he and Sarah would have a son. It took faith for Abraham to believe this promise because he and Sarah were very old. This story illustration will help kids remember what God did and that we can believe all the promises of God.

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Jesus and the Children Story Illustration

Jesus often used children as an example of faith and other positive Christian qualities. Jesus was willing to take time to spend with children. This story illustration will help kids remember how very important children are to Jesus, even today.

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Abraham Had a Son Word Search

When God promised Abraham a son He kept His promise. Through Abraham’s son, the great nation of Israel would grow. This word search activity helps children remember God always keeps His promises.

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Let The Children Come To Me Bookmarks

These printable bookmarks, based on Mark 10:14, will help kids learn that they are still welcome in the arms of Jesus. They can be used in a homeschool setting, one-on-one, or in a classroom setting like Sunday School.

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