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Exile Is Coming! Hidden Pictures Activity

The Babylonian Exile was a hugely important season in the life of God’s people in the Old Testament. After King Solomon, the nation of Israel fell into a civil war and divided into the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah (where Jerusalem was located). Israel (the Northern Kingdom) finally fell to…

Sodom and Gomorrah Hidden Pictures

We learn about the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis chapter 19. Just prior to this, in chapter 18, the angels told Abraham of their intention to judge the cities. Abraham then interceded on behalf of the cities, but their sin had gone too far. Judgment would be needed to keep their sin and…

Jesus Healed a Man Born Blind Hidden Pictures

This Jesus Healed a Man Born Blind Hidden Pictures activity will reinforce for kids that Jesus can heal and does so for God’s glory. The activity can be used in a Sunday School, classroom, or homeschool setting.

Jesus’ Temptation Hidden Pictures

In an attempt to see Jesus fall early in His ministry, Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness, but Jesus remained sinless. This free printable hidden pictures activity will help children remember Jesus was tempted but did not sin.

Jesus’ Baptism Hidden Pictures

When Jesus was baptized He identified with sinners and showed He would die and be raised on our behalf. This free printable hidden pictures activity will help kids remember this very important event in Jesus’ life.

God Made a Promise to Noah Hidden Pictures

God made an important promise in Genesis 9 when He set His rainbow in the sky as a sign of His promise to Noah that He would never again destroy the world with a flood. This hidden pictures activity will help children remember that God always keeps His promises.

God Guided Noah Hidden Pictures

Noah trusted and obeyed God even though he did not understand everything God was doing or was going to do. This hidden pictures activity will help kids understand the importance of trusting God even when they may not understand all God is doing.

The Birth of John the Baptist Hidden Pictures

God knew that John the Baptist would be a special person with a special job even before he was born. This free, printable, hidden pictures activity will help children learn about the birth of John the Baptist and discover that John helped prepare the people of Israel for Jesus.

Israel Rejected God as Their King Hidden Pictures

God always desires the best for His children. God wanted to be the King of Israel, but the people of Israel wanted a human king like the other nations around them. This hidden pictures activity will help children remember that God always knows what is best for us.