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Use the Power of Drama at Easter

As an evangelist specializing in costumed monologues, I know first-hand the power of drama to captivate people. When I began my ministry over 18 years ago, I had adults in mind as my primary audience – not children. As a preacher, that seemed to be the most logical audience. But increasingly, parents bustled up to…

Mary and Martha Story Illustration

Mary and Martha were Jesus’ friends. Jesus used Mary’s frustration with Martha to teach that spending time with Him is the most important thing we can do. This story illustration will help kids remember this important story and its important lesson.

Mary Showed Her Love for Jesus Bible Craft

Mary Showed Her Love for Jesus Bible Craft

There are many ways to show our love for Jesus. Mary (sister to Lazarus and Martha) once anointed Jesus’ feet with perfume. This craft will help remind children that prayer is one way we show our love for Jesus, just like Mary showed her love for Jesus.

Avoiding the “Back To School Blues”

It’s back. That dreaded time of year when our kids hang their heads and have to accept the harsh reality that summer break is officially over. It’s easy for us to dismiss this unwelcome transition, reasoning that the kids need to get over their state of shock because hey, let’s face it, they don’t know…

Making the Message Stick: Part 1

Part 1—Why Stories Are Important for People of All Ages The children in the classroom “leaned forward as Ruth’s voice softened. Instinctively they knew she was about to say something really important. Third graders love story time in Sunday School, and this week’s story was a tale told by a fish.” This is how longtime…

Mary Anointing Jesus' Feet

Mary Showed Her Love for Jesus

On one well-remembered occasion Mary, sister to Martha and Lazarus, expressed her love for Jesus in a particularly grand way. This lesson tells Martha’s story and encourages older preschoolers to express their love for Jesus as well.