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Mary’s Story Color By Number

God had been orchestrating the events leading up to the birth of Jesus, the Messiah, since Genesis 3:15. Luke 1:26-56 tells us the Angel Gabriel appeared to a young woman named Mary. Gabriel announced that she would have a special baby—Jesus, the Messiah! This happened before Mary and Joseph were married and teaches that Jesus…

Coded Words for Gabriel Told About Jesus

Coded Words for Gabriel Told About Jesus

This Coded Words for Gabriel Told About Jesus activity will underscore for kids the reality of the virgin conception and the truth that Jesus would become “the firstborn among many brothers” (Rom. 8:29). You can learn more about Gabriel’s visit to Mary here. You can also see a list of the types of free Bible activities we…

Word Search for Mary’s Story

God had been orchestrating the events leading up to the birth of Jesus, the Messiah, since Genesis 3:15. Luke 1:26-56 tells us the Angel Gabriel appeared to a young woman named Mary. Gabriel announced that she would have a special baby—Jesus, the Messiah! This happened before Mary and Joseph were married and teaches that Jesus…

Jesus Is The Same Autumn Craft

The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus is God. He is Immanuel; God with us! (Matt. 1:23) As God, Jesus is eternal, sovereign, and unchanging. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. What an exciting truth for children to learn! Note: This free craft is also available as a downloadable PDF. Bible Story: Jesus: The…

The Story of Who We Are (Identity and the Biblical Story)

The Bible tells a story. It is a story about God’s dealings with humanity and creation. It tells us a good deal about God Himself, but it also tells us a great deal about humankind and who we are. But like all good stories, you can’t simply “drop in” to the middle or end of…

Babies, Identity Development, and Attachments

Identity development begins at birth, if not earlier. Ideally, the church should seek to influence the child’s identity at the earliest possible age, even with newborns. The fact is that we can influence the development of a healthy biblical identity from the first time the child is under our care. What’s important at this age…

Lead Volunteers: Know Thyself

St. Augustine said to “Know Thyself.” What type of a leader are you? One of the most important things you can do for the health and benefit of the ministry you lead is to know yourself. Do you understand your SHAPE for ministry? SHAPE is a wonderful acronym that stands for Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality,…

A Biblical Identity Model

A biblical identity must, by definition, reflect what the Bible says (or assumes) to be true about people. (The Bible is not always overt in its teachings. When the Bible assumes something to be true, then we can be certain that is the case.) Creating a model of biblical identity provides educators, ministers, and publishers…

Identity and the Self

Somewhere in the early stages of life, we begin to become aware of ourselves as distinct. This awareness fosters self-reflection; the ability to think about ourselves in the third person. Self-reflection is an important and healthy skill for all people. It gives us the capacity to carry on conversations with ourselves and actually form an…