Bible Mazes for Children

Mazes are a fun pencil activity that will challenge a child in many healthy ways and help him or her develop fine motor skills at the same time. The free, printable Bible mazes for children listed below highlight various Bible events and situations and will reinforce the lesson taught for each story. And, they're good for kids of almost any age! Click on the title of an activity to be taken to a web page where you'll be able to read more and download it.

Travel With the Wise Men Maze

Travel With the Wise Men: Maze

Helping the wise men find the child Jesus by working this maze helps children understand that the wise men had to travel to see Jesus.

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Find Your Way to Jesus' Tomb Maze

Find Your Way to Jesus’ Tomb Maze

Working this Find Your Way to Jesus’ Tomb Easter Sunday maze will help children remember that Mary found her way to Jesus’ tomb on the first Easter Sunday morning, and learn that the tomb was empty! Jesus really was alive and is still alive today!

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Help Peter Find Andrew Fishing Maze

Help Peter find his way through the fishing village to Andrew. Middle and older children will have fun with the maze as you teach them the story from Luke 5:1-11.

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