Bible Word Search Activities for Children

Printable Bible word search activities are fun ways to help readers look for words that also occur in important Bible stories. They are a great way to reinforce a child's learning of the people and events of a Bible story. The word search activities listed below are professionally-designed and will provide different levels of challenge for the readers under your care.

Paul’s Shipwreck Word Search

God took care of Paul and those who were sailing with him when Paul’s ship broke apart and the men who were sailing had to make their way to land. This Bible activity is a word search puzzle that highlights 14 elements of Paul’s shipwreck. How many of your children can find them all? Answers are provided.

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Lost Sheep Word Search

This word search puzzle highlights ten elements of Jesus’ parable of the lost sheep. It’s a Bible activity that emphasizes the love of the faithful shepherd, as well!

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Prophets Told About Jesus’ Birth Word Search

Finding key words related to two Messianic prophecies in the Old Testament—one from Isaiah and the other from Micah—is challenging, fun, and educational! You’ll have fun working this word search puzzle, because it’s a Bible activity for children that adults also will enjoy!

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Jesus Fed the People Word Search

Children will thoroughly enjoy working this word search puzzle, a puzzle that highlights 12 elements of Jesus’ miracle of feeding the crowd that included 5,000 men.

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Paul’s Escape Basket Word Search

Your children will greatly enjoy this word search about Paul’s escape from Damascus in the middle of the night. It’s a fun and informative Bible activity!

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Palm Sunday Hidden Message Word Search

This is a wonderful Palm Sunday Bible activity for older children—a word search puzzle that includes a hidden message. Can your children find all ten hidden words—and the hidden message as well? Sharpen your pencils! Answers are provided.

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Jesus Walked on Water Word Search

This Bible activity for children is a word search puzzle that focuses on the miracle of Jesus’ walking on the water during the night toward His disciples.

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The Prodigal Son Word Search

The prodigal son had a tough time, but his difficulties were of his own making. When he came to his senses and returned home, his father forgave him and welcomed him as his son. This word search puzzle challenges children to find 10 words associated with 10 elements in Jesus’ parable. This is a fun and educational activity!

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Mary Honored Jesus Word Search

Mary Honored Jesus Word Search

This word search puzzle contains 10 words associated with Mary’s anointing of Jesus feet with expensive oil. Not only will this puzzle give your children an opportunity to be reminded about the event’s details, it also will give you an opportunity to ask them how they can show their love for Jesus.

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